Strobe light with Soundtraxx Tsunami TSU-1000?

Hey there, I have installed a Soundtraxx dcc/sound decoder (TS-1000) into my athearn RTR CF 7. It sounds amazing and works very well. Question: The CF 7 has a wired strobe/becon on the roof. When it was DCC without sound, it came on with the headlight and stayed lit-up solid. I now want to wire it to this new Soundtraxx board but am not sure how to… The head and tail lights are wired as they should be. I have left the two wires from the beacon off to the side until I figure it out.

The Athearn Genesis GP 15-1 that I just bought in the California Northern scheme has a factory beacon that flashes nicely with the pressing of one of the command buttons (I think its F5, 6 or 7… Cant remember… So this would tell me I should be able to wire up this Soundtraxx one to do the same, since they both are Tsunami decoders?

Thanks for any help!


Connect the strobe to the blue and green decoder wires, which will be F6. If this is a Tsunami AT board, look for the solder pad marked as FX6 and connect the strobe to it. Then program CV52=5 and the strobe should turn on and off with the F6 button on your controller.

If the strobe is an LED, make sure you get the polarity correct and include a 1,000 Ohm resistor in one of the lines.

Go to the SoundTraxx web site and download their Diesel Technical Reference Manual, which explains everything the Tsunami can do.

The TSU is a plug in style. The AT or GN is a board style. REMEMBER Athearn uses 1.5 volt bulbs. Check the out put of the function wires. If 12Volts, you’ll need to use a resister so you don’t burn out the bulb. Page 29 on in the Soundtaxx diesel manual tells how to set up the strobe light effects. Joe

The packag says its a TSU-1000 (part#828040). Its a board. I will try the FX6 wirng. Its a 1.5v bulb and according oundtraxx is ok to use if you wire into the 1.5v tab on the board. Thank you for the reply! I will give it a shot tonight.