Stuck decoder ?

I have an engine that I hard wired a decoder in (IHC) a few years ago. All was well untill a few weeks ago. When I power up the Digitrax it runs full speed backwards. No controlls except the off button will do anything. I had a hunch & tried it on DC…It behaved perfectly on DC, forward, reverse, fast or slow. Returned it to dcc & it ran backwards full speed. seems it’s stuck in DC. Any way to get it back to normal ? thanks.

Sounds like you need to do a factory reset on the decoder, i.e. set it back to the original factory settings. This varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. What kind of decoder did you install?

Don’t know how to reset it as it doesn’t respond to it’s address.

It doesn’t need to respond to an address to reset it. Just put it on your programming track and write 8 to CV8 (or whatever is appropriate for that specific decoder).

One of two resets to factory default, CV8=8 and/or CV30=2. Some decoders use both resets.


It may also be remaining datas from the last time it was used.Was it properly erased (dispatched) from the system’s memory with the throttle it was used with then?

It may also be because DC wasn’t disabled (recommended).Put it on the programming track and try CV29=34 (or 50 if using the speed table).

If you can’t seem to figure out how to get this one decoder to take a reset command, remove all other decoders getting power and commands via your DCC system. Acquire Address “00” on your throttle, enter Paged Mode, or Blast Mode, programming and try CV 08 to a value of 08. If it happens to be a QSI decoder, it will require you to set three different CV values in succession: CV49 to 128, CV50 to 255,and CV56 to 113.

In every case, you should remove voltage from the rails under the loco immediately upon setting the one, or the last, value. Then, reapply the power and acquire Add “03” on your throttle. If it worked, and your decoder is just vexed and not poxed, you’ll hear it respond.

Throw it out, wire in an Econami. Sounds like its past messin with.