Stupid question about stupid questions

So what do you think of Train Trivia, [tup]or[tdn] should I continue it?

well if you get some really challenging ones it would be nice

I like it. It does need to be more challenging, and also, you need to insist that no one blurt out the answer.

Maybe you could have some that are opperationally focused. I like them. Amen and amen, so do it again. ;-DD

Although I’ve sometimes read and answered the Question of the Day, most of the time I just skip over it.

I don’t know why people complain about it. If you don’t like it, nobody forces you to read it.


I voted for “don’t really care” but do find the topics interesting most of the times that I’ve looked at them. As someone said yesterday, though, you should put a date on the subject line so we don’t have to keep revisiting the old pages we’ve already seen. I also don’t mind the threads being started, and will choose to look at them when I feel like doing so. If I don’t feel so inclined, I just pass them over like I do with a bunch of other threads.

Let me put it like this. I’m one to be telling you that your postings are…, well, you know, when mine aren’t all that great compared to guys that really know their stuff. I wouldn’t have ever said a word about it if you hadn’t brought it up. It’s up to you. If you want to continue, go for it. You’ll know after a while if everyone gets tired of it.


Except I didn’t vote. Rarely do on these things. But of the ones I read, I often have a comment, so I would tell you to proceed as you see fit. If they don’t appeal to me, I just skip them, and a date in the topic line would help.

If you are having fun, and others are enjoying it along with you, I encourage you to continue.

Darrell, voting quiet…for now

I voted it’s O.K because I only check it out sporadically so I am not an ardent follower of it or many other "regular " postings (only if the subject catches my eye or is a needed topic or tip). So I’ll apologize if you have been offended by me.

James,I really don’t care.I did fine it interesting…To my mind a stupid question is “When will Atlas release the R.J.Corman GP38?” or “Has Atlas release the RSD4/5 yet?” Stupid yes a question that anybody that will take 2 minutes can answer by simply visiting There many such questions that one can answer by simply checking for their selves.But,if they do that how on earth will they run up their post count?
Guys,This is not to offend you but,to get you to use some common horse sense by simply looking for yourself instead of having others to do it for you…

Food for thought…how about putting the date in the title of each one so that I don’t read the same one 20 times? (or maybe I should just get a life…)

Hmmmm… Don’t like naked ladies, stop looking for them. If you don’t care for the question of the day(DATED), move on. Or is it that you don’t know the answer, go look it up, or wait for the answer time.
James if you find this rewarding to you and “people” keep looking at it, continue, if however at “answer time” you have zero posts and zero views, it would probably indicate that the is no audience for your efforts. At present there appears to be an audience, some of it more vocal than others. So if you have more “questions” ready keep posting.

Its ok, more challenging questions would be nice.

I dated the current one, and all from here will have dates.

Didn’t know you had one going. Your poll #'s look possative. If a topic doesn’t interest me I just don’t reply.Doesn’t mean someone should stop doing something just because I’m not interested in it.

I choose “don’t care”. I come to this site for specific info on trains not trivia. So when i see a ? of the day or similar I just ignore it. However I know lots of folks like trivia. We all have the choice to read or not to read.

I usually don’t check out the trivia or question of the day, but on occasion curiosity gets the best of me. Either way they’re cool. I don’t mind seeing new stuff on the board everyday.

As said, its your decision. People who dont want to read it dont have to. Personally, i dont want to see this become the only type of thread on the site, so obviously everyone cant do it.
Ill continue to read your trivia and respond.[:)]

I like trivia, it makes you think instead of just sitting there taking up space. I don’t find anything wrong with trivia. If people don’t like it then they don’t need to contribute to it.