
Where can I buy sheets of styrene? It is amazing how much can be passed between computer moding and Model Railroading.

You can get small sheets, strips and shapes at most hobby stores. If you want something larger like a 4’ x 8’ sheet, you can get them from a plastics supply house, check the yellow pages.

The two main hobby manufacturers are Evergreen, and Plastruct. Both have their own catalogs, and both are available through Walthers, and many other on line retailers,.

Most any hobby shop will have , or can get, sheet styrene, in a variety of colors, thicknesses, sizes, and even textures.

Plastruct, Evergreen, Midwest, and Squadron are a few manufacturers that come quickly to mind.


I guess I will have to do some calling around. Two of the three shops in my area are very small with no styrene. The only place I know that has them is hungate$. Thanks

Don’t sign shops have the larger sheets of styrene?

McMaster-Carr has styrene sheets in 40x72. It is listed under polystryene. They do mail order and have a website


I get my styrene from the local sign shop. They always have drops from making signs that are usually larger than the sheets you buy at the LHS. The last time I stocked up from the sign shop, I carried out almost more than I could carry for $20.00. Got a bunch of the corrugated plastic too, which is great for structures. Let them know that you are using it for modeling, and not to make signs with, and you will probably get awhole lot more of it than you can use.