Subscribers: Bob's Train Box 51 is posted!

I get this when I try and watch the video ( I get a similar message on many of the CTT videos).

Video not found or access denied:

I’m logged in, so it shouldn’t be a subscriber problem.

It’s not much of a subscriber benefit if you can’t access the videos.

Call our Customer Service section at 800-533-6644. They are the experts at trying to resolve issues with videos/browsers/versions of software, etc. Sorry about the trouble.

I like the new “bumper music” and the production values are good. Great Job!

Little Tommy

All attributed to the Editor-In-Chief, Carl Swanson, who sets up the lights, shoots it, edits it, dubs in the music, and makes the graphics. The trains and I are just the eye candy.

Thanks for the customer service info. I’ll give them a call.