
Hello everyone: Thankyou for taking a moment to read this. Quite a number of years ago I moved and dismantled my HO train layout. Finally I will be able to reassemble a new and hopefully better layout. My question to anyone is I am interested in adding a Subway system to my new layout, but does anyone have information, web-site, etc, on where I might be able to purchase one. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Again thankyou for your time…Ron

I know there’s a chap out there on the web somewhere who has done a lot of work with modeling the Japanese rail system, including some of the subways over in the Land of the Rising Sun. Perhaps if you googled for “subway” “model railroad” “Japan” …

I know there’s a Proto 100 model of a set of New York subway cars on the way, and there’s also a company called EFE (Exclusive First Editions) that makes unpowered London Underground cars in OO scale - take a look at for more info on those.