Suggestions on scenery

Here are 2 pictures of a coal tipple I’m working on. I think it is missing something, but I can put my fingures on it. you guys got any suggestions??

I think its looks great

I would use more trees and shrubs to hide the seem between mountain face and flat land. Also add more to the rock faces themselves to break them up a bit. Trees do grow in odd places. I do like the way you used a rock face to create a visual aid to bring the attention more in to the tipple itself.

P.S. I dont have much room to talk just yet as I dont have any scenery yet.

I think it looks great. Like said before though a few more trees couldn’t hurt. Also maybe put a little more black sand in with the grass and everything. Since coal is a dirty industrial facility, the surroiunding area probably would not be so nice, grass wise and garbage wise.

So far so good. Like others: more trees and bushes, but MORE trash, clutter, talus, junk, dirt, garbage and broken parts. I would also carve a large geological crack in the rock face under the water tower, paint it dark and put some bushes and scrub trees in it. Maybe a couple of hobos sitting up there watching.

Ballast in due time and mess up the grassy area with paper and trash. Then get some dirty dark paint and mist everything so it looks covered with coal dust.

maybe more vehicles parked around tipple, parking lot would be combo of crushed coal,gravel and dirt, in a mess,some polyfiber bushes along the whole rockline, some vines clinging to rock faces,old mine junk if you have some, a slag pile or two, and weeds along track edge, a pile of rusted drums, some get the picture, nice work

I agree with the above comments about the scenery. The strip of grass between the foreground tracks and the mine house looks more like a park. Dirty up the ground, plant low scrub brush, maybe a few more trees (a couple of dead ones?). The trees on top of the pointed mountain look good. Something like that would work in the grassy strip.

The mine building looks really good. Nice weathering. Carry that weathering into the scenery and you’ll have magazine quality scenery!

Keep us informed of your progress.

Darrell, quiet…for now

An old trick used to increase the depth of any scene is to avoid looking down over foreground scenery. In your case, I would either lower the height of your foreground hill or eliminate it all together. A good trick to rememeber is to have your scenery rise gently as it meets your backdrop. This will add force perspective to the scene. The same idea applies to buildings. Smaller towards the back, bigger up front. I know one guy in HO who used an N scale buildings in his background to increase the illusion of distance.

Hi There;
I agree with all of the above suggestions. How about adding a mirror under the bridge it would give the illussion of much more depth & more cars. Just a thought.

The rock/ mountain outcroppings need to actually be lower or blended into the scenery as described. Your overall scenery looks good from the techniques used, however the bright green would be hard to find between tracks only to have rock just jutting straight out of the ground. If there is not enough room for sloping tallis and brush, maybe trees and brush/ weeds can break it up. Try adding some burnt grass and weeds on those fairways. Only my suggestions, It seems a very nice structure is being overpowered.
Bob K.