Here I am to start it off. Happy Father’s Day. My wife and I are starting young with the grandchild. She just turned one today, so we tried to create an age appropriate layout to foster her love for trains. At the same time she’s learning basic skills without even realizing it. So here it is…
So is that Williams, or Lionel?
The MARS Crew hopes everyone has a Happy Father’s Day!!! Hope you enjoy the video! Bo [:)]
You can visit my website Bo’s Trains at
Also, check out my Bo’s Trains Facebook page at…1585158868199?ref=hl
Great videos, Guys.
Charlie… That is a big outdoor O gauge layout. I never saw one outside like that.
Spent this past week doing a little upgrade project on some of my older Flyer equipment. (At this point, collectors and purists among you may wish to leave the room.) I replaced the old stamped metal trucks on three of my cars with with more detailed trucks I obtained on eBay. They are actually S-Helper trucks, but I salvaged them from some K-Line cars that I got for a very reasonable price. I’ve since resold the shells. First a “before and after”.
And here are the other two units I modified.
Great job guys. BO, took a few to load for some reason. Once she started, great job. Thought that was a boy with back pack until you zoomed in and saw it was a little girl in pigtails. [:D]
Happy Fathers Day Everyone!
Charlie: Great video! Thanks for sharing. Looks like everyone had a great time. Did SJ get his Lemon Ice Cream? lol
Bo: That was awesome! Thanks
Everyone: thanks for sharing!
Stebbycentral here’s pics of the Lionel version Complete set.
Bought it as it was just something different.
Great pics and videos all
NAH, it can’t be Lionel. Where the third rail?
That outdoor layout is VERY impressive, to say the least! With the smoke and sound units turned up to a level you can’t get away with indoors you guys must be the hit of the neighborhood!
Just how many people do you attract when it’s running?
Not all lionel have 3 rails how about lionel ho scale trains and lionel large scale as they called it, G scale
Charlie and Bo … Loved the videos.
Charlie you should put that web site address in your signature. I had to watch the vid over to get it. Not that that was a problem though. lol I really liked when the boy gently touches the car as it passes.
think he did once and there was a problem because its a club [banghead] may be wrong
Thanks guys for the comments about the video. I had a good time making it!
Silentman - neat what you have done for your grandchild. Very coo!
Rt - Like the Happy Huff n’ Puff, do you know when that was made? I’m guessing back in the 80’s maybe?
Bo [:)]
Very nice setup!
Bo my guess is 70’s or 80’s no idea
That’s a great idea, having the railroad outside like that. One question, do you watch the weather channel closely to see if rain is coming?