fife requested that someone start SPH this week since it sounds like he has grandpa duty. So as a member of the Fraternal Order of Grandpas I thought I would help him out.
I’m not really sure about the origin, but it looks a lot like the kit referenced below with possibly some additional minor modifications/additions/subtractions. The layout was about 99.9% complete when I joined the club, I got to piggyback on everyone else’s labor. [:$]
The grandsons invaded Fifedom this week, so we threw down a loop of tubular track in the family room (ok, a 12 ft loop of track with O-72 and O-54 corners), and had some good old fashioned carpet running. An original MTH J 611 is doing the honors, pulling a string of 7 N&W and SantFe varnish. We kept it simple with a C80 transformer, so the curly top could get in on the fun.