Sunday Photo Fun 1-1-06

Happy New Year

Here are some shots of one of our Chessie freights

OK what is wrong with all these pics [?] NO Side Rods or Cow Catcher ! ! !

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Lets have some fun [:D] [:)] [8D] [:p]

WOW…You wasted not time spanky! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year

HAPPY NEW YEAR INDEED, my fellow railroaders!!!

Some more in a few hours!!!

Here’s the Texas & Pacific waiting at the freight station to leave…

Waiting on the Boston & Albany to arrive

Looking down Main street

Dockside switcher waiting to get to work

Scott Smith

A tribute to my buddy…A layout that will always be known as Kodiak Junction

And the FAB Five…

Tom, did you convert that UBOAT over to DCS? It looks like Lionel, am I correct?

My Williams Genesis look much better with the LED headlights I put in last weekend

New Atlas NS GP60.

Got some “Buckeye” low profile plastic containers [they have rollers] to store some of that rolling stock in the middle.

Chief, how many cars is it pulling, and what was the asking price? Was it used a lot. or a little?

Colin, pulling 15 hopper cars full of real coal and a caboose. Was new in the box [never ran]. From OGR Buy and Sell board. $150 less than retail [included shipping]. [;)]

Colin, it is a Lionel. It is a conventional engine. DCS can run both Conventional and PS2 command at the same time on the same track.

Now, that is something I did no know about DCS. That is an interesting feature.

It can be done but easily.

Marty - There are two ways of doing it, the way I have done it, Yes it is very easy.

I power my TIU from aux power, use the fix channels and control the conventional engine by transformer handles. The PS2 engine will only run as fast as avaible votlage. So increase the SMPH of the command to match the speed of the conventional engine.

Where did you get those traffic lights in the second picture from the bottom? I need some of those too.


Here is a photo of my Lionel Empire State Express loco pulling some heavyweights since the ESE car set delivery is delayed.

And another shot of my new MTH NYC 4-4-0.

Happy New Year all!

Roy, that MTH 4-4-0 is a real beauty!!
Nice pictures, gave me some more idea’s for the layout!

Yo Guys,
Belated pictures of my Christmas Tree / Carpet Central Layout. I plan on leaving the tree up another 10 days or so but it sure is startingy to dry up and drop some needles. I have the vac nearby to keep the tracks clear. Happy Holidays everybody.