Better late than never!
Picked up a junker 6465 tanker for $5 at a show 2 week ago … decided I wanted a black one w/ white lettering
Along side an earlier custom tanker in white
Better late than never!
Picked up a junker 6465 tanker for $5 at a show 2 week ago … decided I wanted a black one w/ white lettering
Along side an earlier custom tanker in white
It must be that time of year to search for bargains at the train shows! I couldn’t resist buying this American Flyer passenger car at our local train meet show last week:
The new “Steam Park” on the SD3Railers Club layout. A UP FEF and PRR K-4 on roller bases.
It will really fill the area with smoke., thanks goodness they are on a timer so the smoke can clear before they are started again.
srguy…where did you get the decals?
Try this website … lots of parts but much easier to view at shows. They carry just about every decal for Lionel trains. Good luck!
I like those smaller than traditional size cars. I call them 027. The trucks alone are worth $5.
Stopped by your website and really enjoyed the visit and much to my surprise found some Marx variations I was unaware of…it’s a great site and I can see you have a wide range of interests. I have the other cars to the one you picked up, and the Flyer tinplate is addictive from my own experience.
Thanks Bruce, glad you enjoyed the site! I like anything in O gauge powered by springs… what can I say? [:D] When I saw that forlorn AF 1306 on a table for 15 bucks, I knew it had to come home with me. It is a nice complement to a Flyer 1120 that I recently acquired; the litho and colors are similar, and I enjoy the contrast between the 8 wheel 1306 and the 4 wheel 1120. I do like having a variety of cars for the windups to pull around the layout…