Sunday Photo Fun 10-29-06

Great pic’s everyone![:)]

Excellent Work Gentlemen, Great pictures from everyone. I enjoyed seeing tha MTH 49er. How does it run? I have the same loco and tender and the four passenger cars. So far they have yet to hit the rails, still in the boxes. I see the passenger cars on ebay from time to time. After seeing those pictures maybe I should start looking for the two car add on set? Thanks again to everyone for posting cool pix! Kevin T.

Friend’s layout is progressing nicely too:

The factory is a weathered and detailed MTH product. The warehouse on the right is a kit-bashed Lionel product

A 1941-era Alco RS-1 engine, sporting Washington Terminal livery, crosses the double-track Pratt truss bridge that now spans the new harbor on the Port of New York & New Jersey Railroad. Construction, painting, and weathering of the bridge was a fair-sized project!

someone on this forum suggested he change the water color to match scale scenery. I brought this up to him but he likes it as is. Hey, it’s his railroad! :slight_smile:

BuckeyRiveter asked “Walt, I’m glad you posted because I have wanted to ask you about your Christmas layout. Is it in sections that come apart? What is it built on?”

Riveter: I will be posting some in-progress pictures later this year that I took while building 2006’s version. Someone suggested it so I started taking pictures from day one this year.

Basically, it’s a floor layout. I lay blueboard on the carpet with Homasote on top of that.

“Is in in sections that come apart?” - Well, the layout is 100% temporary - EVERY year. I re-design a new track plan every year. I pull up the Homasote adn blue board and store them til next year. But all of the track, wires, scenery, structures, everything, is removed and boxed til next year. Nothing is ever glued down, not even the ballast on the track.

That might account for why it takes me 6 weeks to set it up and another 6 to tear it down, huh? [:D]

I love the time that I spend planning a new layout from February to July each year. Never get tired of the layout this way!

  • walt

Hello all. After a exhausting day at a swap meet and show, Im finally able to post on Photo Fun. I sure got a “steal” this time. I got a 397 coal loader, in excellent condition, just a bit dirty, for only $25 hehehe[}:)]

New workbench im making for repairs…

A pic or two of my layout showing it up on its legs (for visual guessing on things, will be diassembled again so I can take it into my room) And using what Tom used, the FleckStone paint. ITS EXACTLY how I wanted my layout’s roadbed to look like!! I used gotham grey. My can jammed up though, so I will have to send for a new one from Plastikote.


NUTS, time to go to school again !!!



The 49er is a beaut. Runs real nice and the color combo cant be beat.

A train like that cant waste away in a box! Open 'em up and let 'em roll!

Just an FYI: Atlas has its label wrong. That bridge is a Warren truss. FWIW, pics of its prototype can be found here:


My layout is definitely a tight fit [:)]

Great pics everybody!

thanks on the bridge info. I should have known. Pratt has fewer diagonals. Would be interesting to see a strength test between the two. I think Warren would win.

Paul - Gorgeous Flyer - show us some more next week [swg] I love those pre-war trains.



I am just blown away by the quality of your layout. The work is just exceptional.

As an aside, the tubular track rocks.