Here’s a couple of progress shots of my Moorefield Stockyard. Black Angus cattle have been a staple in the region since the early 1900’s, and the stockyard shows up on B&O timetables of the day. Ranchers would bring the cattle to the auction house, and the herd would be loaded into stockcars destined for Baltimore, Pittsburgh, and other cities with packing houses.
A few weeks back I posted this…
And today this area looks like this… In the background is the store house and auction house (HO Atlas Lumber shed), to the right is the livery barn (HO Revell kit), to the left is a laser-cut pavilion (unk make). The Lionel 3656 is now opposite the Plasticville stock pen. The stockpens in the background were hand cut and fabricated from a single piece of flat balsa, and were designed to fit the odd triangular real estate along the mainline.