Wow, these are some awful nice pictures. AGAIN.
From my 2005 Christmas layout:
- walt
Wow, these are some awful nice pictures. AGAIN.
From my 2005 Christmas layout:
Photo of my scratch built ice platform and ice house.
Tom, I don’t think I would want any fish that he caught. Based on his shack makes you wonder what he’s using for bait. [:O] [X-)]
Another view fom town area. This is a great thread. I see alot of talent out there and neat trains and layouts.
Here are a few pictures of areas on the layout that I had posted questions about.
Hope this turns out today. LOL
This is of the planking I have put across the Truss Bridge alongside the corkroadbed. I may put another run of these plankings on each side yet to make it three wide.
This is one of covering the wires to lockons. I forgot to put in a short section of the Add-a-Tie product opposite the lockon to fill in the gap. Will save that for later though. The lower part of the picture is a portion of the liftout section.
I am going to stop at these two to see if I did this alright. I had saved the pictures (5 x 7) at shutterfly so I hope they are large enough.
Lyle R Ehlers
Oh boy, now what did I do? LOL
I believe I used the right symbols to get these on the page. Not sure why these aren’t able to be enlarged.
I’ll get it eventually.
Lyle R Ehlers
Another attempt to get this.
I had purchased a chain link fence kit and this is my first section on the layout. The kit was a little tough for me to figure out but when I did it was alot easier for me to do. There is some soldering involved and I haven’t done much of that in my life. LOL
I just previewed this one and it shows the link to the picture. The previous pictures, I copied the url before the picture was enlarged and this one I copied the url from the enlarged version. Let’s see what happens.
Lyle R Ehlers
Got it finally, I had used [ when I should have been using ]
Sorry about all that.
Lyle R Ehlers
Here is a redo of the first two pictures.
Today I am painting an engine shell making a burned out K Line switcher into a C&O dummy.
Nice pictures guys.
Photos from Roger’s Corners, Ohio
Elevation 936 Feet
The Baltimore, Ohio and Wabash Railroad - Photo Album 2006
To get this photograph of the new Lionel Hot Box, Box Car in action, it took me at least 30 tries. This car is great! Under the trucks the glow flashes like the bearings are on fire, the smoke just pours out, especially when you stop and the brakeman/conductor is always yelling, “We’re on fire!”
Here is where I built a hillside to cover the controls for switches, uncoupling tracks and some of the operating accessories. I need to complete the underside of the hill yet.
Tons of great pictures again today.
Lyle R Ehlers
A great bunch of pictures as usual. I ordered some track and track lighting so I can get some decent lighting on the layout. Fluorescent is fine for working but the pits for taking pictures.
As always, wonderful photos.
Buckeye - that Hot Box is a very cool photo. Well done!
Mickey - I love the Ice House.
I am in awe of all the talent displayed in this thread. Keep the great photos coming. I can’t wait until next Sunday[;)][;)][;)][;)][;)]
John - My water tower is a postwar #138. from the fabulas 50"s. Still works like new.
Nice, Bob ! I should have waited & gotten that one I think !!
Buckeye…That is really neat. I want to see that. Great job.
BUCKEYE really neat photo.
That thing coming out of the bottom door, is that GODZILLA?
I have some books on taking photos with different lighting. there is a trick to flourescent lights. I think you need a green cover for the light ( you can use colored saran wrap like they have around Christmas time). I will check the book when the person who borrowed it returns it.
Great photos as usual folks.