Sunday Photo Fun 3-1-09

Now that the trains are running, here are some overview pics of the layout.

Wow SpankyBird! Either you have a lot of help there or the blankets you sleep on are tucked way under the benchwork. The Museum is looking Great!

Here’s where things ended up with the Sand house:


Spankybird, I never tire of seeing pics of that layout. Simply amazing. Kpolak, the sand house looks great on the layout. So, is it too early to start my Christmas wish list. Here’s what I dreamed of last night…


What can you tell me about that GT DD boxcar? It looks pretty sharp.


J White


Thanks for starting the thread today. I echo the statements already made about the pictures posted.

I think I read on another thread that Sturgeon Phish was going to be without internet access this weekend so let me post some pictures of a nice S gauge entry in his honor. (Hurry back Jim, its lonely in here, We Flyer guys have to stick together.)

This is Gilbert’s S gauge # 715 auto unloading car. It came in several colors over the years of its catalog run and with several different loads. These happen to be tootsie toy race cars. The car is frequently found without its original load, and in fact I married these, The racers were found at different times than the cars. They provide a lot of play value.

Oh, and by the wa

Yesterday I was messing around with placing a few figures on the layout while I was waiting to see if I fixed the leak in the basement toilet (I did!). Here’s a few shots of some of the cast resin people I bought at after Christmas clearance sales at various craft stores. Most of these were about $.50 each

The Homies guy to the left must have just pulled a double at the factory; he looks a bit wore out.

The cop’s questioning a young suspect as to where the nearest donut shop is.

J White

Spankybird: Thanks for the update photos. Glad to see “Plasticville”! The layout is coming along great.

Good Morning All:

I have taken a break from working on my structures to reconfiguring my layout. Previously, my layout looked like:

The freight yard was basically unusable as the spurs were too short. In addition, I hardly ever used the reversing loop. So, I changed it to the following:

The layout now has more play value as the freight yard is far more usable. I finished wiring the power leads yesterday and now I need to rewire the turnouts and uncoupling tracks.



Spankybird… looks like 5 yrs of work compressed in such a short time.

the lead engine turns west

Begun placing the new addition BP station

first attempt at making furrowed field for farm

Lots of Great pictures! And its early yet!

Tom - The museum is really coming along! Watched the video as well, only thing need a narrated version. So we need a gudied tour.

Kurt - The Sand house is really neat, I can’t believe the detail. The rotting boards and the window detail! Great Job!

Envfocus - With the new catalogs, those dreams can be a reality!

Northwoods Flyer - Never seen those before, do the cars Unload from the end? Is the red a off loading ramp?

JWhite, Sure looks like you got a good deal on the figurines, that’s an outstanding price! And they really look good!

John - How does the little guy like the change? Definetly think yo made the right move. Those sidings are a lot more useful.

Wsdimenna - That is the best farm field I’ve seen. Those furrowed rows are definetly worth the time, Of course they align with the tractor.

Great photos guys! I’m jealous, guess I’ll go and work on my engine house.


thanks, it was a rather simple project. Used fibredecor-(added black paint to water) and spread it out. Ran a pencil eraser end through material while still wet and applied brown ground cover from scenic express. No glue needed. Very light weight, cuttable and portable. Can also be wetted and shaped again.

think there is still room for improvement. If ground wasn’t frozen i would have used real dirt :slight_smile:

Bill D

Here some pics from last week’s trip across Rte 50…

Winchester & Western shops at Gore, VA, had a couple GP-9s outside.

Road slugs, with 120 having a control cab added for safety. [xx(]

My favorite regional, SOUTH BRANCH VALLEY, with SD9 at Vanderlip, WV.

POTOMAC EAGLE power in winter storage.

And perhaps LIONEL’s inspiration for the cabfront cannibal scene.

Here are some pictures of Postwar Lionel that I have collected over the years.


Catalog Sets

Postwar Steamers (except for the Hudson ) that is a Williams I never got around to getting a 773

Some more diesels

Space Crap…

Misc Cars


Motorized Units

Have a great week !!!


The Baltimore, Ohio and Wabash Railroad

Newest additions — anyone know of a bridge that fits these K-Line piers before I start cutting ???

Dave’s poles…the best.

My oil storage system. It is patented so don’t copy it.

Nighttime…Notice that we make the survey crew work at night.

The Tower is on fire for the 100th or more time.

The Lionel 6-9764 Grand Trunk Double Door Box Car. MPC era produced 1976-77. Die cast wheels, and plastic trucks.

Hope this helps.

PS. Thanks for the props on the Sand House! Looking forward to a Water Tower, and a Coal Tower!


To All,

Very, very nice accomplishments… Thanks for sharing…

Hi Don,

The 715 is a fun action car. It has a solenoid that is operated by a track side trip. The yellow tray swivels to the side, and the weight of the vehicle tips it down, the car rolls off and the tray returns to its position. I have posted a sequence of photos showing what it looks like. I looked for a video of it online but couldn’t find any. I did find all kinds of great video of Flyer Wide gauge and O gauge though.

Greg, the 715 is on my short list! Very fun car, besides a racer there was a Manoil Coup and a Gasoline Truck. Earlier had a center rail ( [:O] ) power pick up

A foot of snow due tomorrow!

Can’t wait for the weeds to start growing:

A postwar favorite steams through Schenectady:

More postwar action:

Jim Policastro

Love that turbine picture! Anyone attend the Gratiot Valley show today?