Well, the C&O Enchantment bluesfest has drawn to an end in the train room. Here’s a culmination of run-by’s, both 1/48 and 1/1 scale…
Great stuff! You are quite the videographer. Thanks for posting the delightful mixture of trains.
Northwoods Flyer
Well THAT just made my morning! [:D]
Thanks Fife!
Now on to more exciting stuff like putting the laundry away…
BUT, I do have that Standard Gauge test track for the club’s upcoming show to work on, that’ll make for an interesting afternoon!
Long long ago, in a land far away (Wisconsin) I owned this Bilt-EZ building set.
By mistake it was sold at the estate sale when we moved to the Land of Nice.
I have regretted that choice. I thought that for its simplicity it offered undersized buildings. (However, think forced perfection.)
My apologies for the blurry photos. They were taken 12 years ago with a very inferior camera.
I have seen larger buildings on several layouts like those illustrated on the box top used against a wall as a backdrop. I just found a stash of the building pieces and thought I would use them in the same way.
To be continued…
These are the pieces that I had stashed away in a box in the Train Office
Lets see what I can make out of them.
First I will make a base with the floor pieces and the pieces called frictions.
And now I can start to add wall, window, and door pieces.
To be continued…
Northoods Flyer
They look like the predecessors to the DPM wall kits.
“Bilt E-Z” Now that’s interesting, I’ve never heard of them.
In an odd way it reminds me of Kenner building kits from the 1960s which utilized plastic girders and wall panels. Those were fun!
You had them to. I had the turnpike set, my brother had the building set.
They are made of metal so they fit in pretty well with tinplate trains. From the research I have done they were probably made from just before 1924 until about 1929. Perhaps they were a victim of the Crash in 1929. They take some skill to put together but they produce some pretty neat buildings. There were about 8 sets made containing from 70 to over 1,000 pieces.
I have also seen some reproduction pieces that Modern Marx made on ebay.
Northwoods Flyer
Yes, I have seen photos of buildings made of them on Jim and Debbie Flynn’s holiday layouts.
I think the Flynn’s layout is spectacular. It really catches the feeling of a tinplate era layout.
You can see a whole wall of buildings in photos and videos of Steve Eastman’s layout.
Here are photos of today’s building project.
I don’t think that it turned out too badly for a bunch of leftovers. I still have some additional spare pieces. I know its not too realistic but I like the fact that its made from building sets that are almost 100 years old. And it will be a background.
Enjoying the World’s Greatest Hobby
Northwoods Flyer
Now that I think about it, and mind you I haven’t thought about those Kenner sets in decades, in addition to the regular building set we had what I’m going to call (Since I don’t remember the real name!) the “Refinery set.” This came with clear plastic tanks and flexible piping and a battery-operated water pump. The idea was build the refinery, fill the tanks with water colored with some food dye and watch the action! It worked pretty well until the pump broke down! [:'(]
I had some of both types of Kenner building sets. Made a lot of different buildings and bridges. Worked well with Matchbox cars.
Compared to Erector sets and American Plastic Bricks, I always thought the Kenner sets were kind of fragile.
Extremely fragile
Certainly not as rugged as Lincoln Logs!
How rugged were Lincoln Logs? So rugged I’d build a cabin with 'em and then blast it with my Remco Johnny Reb cannon! Then I’d put the cabin back together and do it again! No ill effects with those Lincoln Logs!
I don’t have the Lincoln Logs anymore but I’ve still got the cannon. Still works too!
you should see your lincoln log buildings once a fire cracker or cherry bomb goes off in side them
Wayne, I believe that was the Girder and Panel Hydro-Dynamic Building Set. We had the Airport and the Deluxe Skyscraper.
Yes I was destructive as a child other than my trains, I took good care of them.
I bought a 1915-1919 standard gauge electric style engine today.
bI have looked for those Bilt-EZ sets over the years and would dearly love to have some, but them dearly!
Your building looks awesome!
Thanks palallin. Its made up of leftover pieces from other partial sets. I am looking forward to building more. The Bilt - EZ sets used to be much less expensive but recently the sets have rocketed up in price. Keep looking.
I have both Lincoln Logs and American Logs. One of my grandsons and I have great fun with them. I prefer the American Logs. I also have a bunch of Kenner partial sets and plastic American Bricks. Oh and I have a couple of Stanlo sets too. Building sets fascinate me
Becky you are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.
Northwoods Flyer