Sunday Photo Fun 3-15-09

Runtime…Most all of us started on the floor and it looks like you have a good start. Just keep plugging away and remember, you eat an elephant one piece at a time. [:)]

Your GG1 makes me think that it would be fun to see all the GG1s people have on a special GG1 posting.

Buckeye, thanks!

And I agree regarding the GG1’s. I picked up my PC version at auction, for cheap, and it’s prototypically correct, as would be Conrail versions.

Buckeye: Great Shark noses!

John: I like the bridge! Sounds like you’re having fun with it. That’s what it’s about! Can’t wait to see more of your projects.

runtime: I love it! I wish my track wasn’t attached to the table, so I could do that.


Dave, I have a replacement coupler for a Post War 621. Only problem is that the mounting was different, so I’ll drill out the rivet and I’ll have to cut some metal to allow for the swing. Then, I need to come up with a method for making the coupler self centering, as you known, the plastic one just has a piece of flexible plastic that returns it to center.



Very nice! I also like your control panel. What kind of transformers are those? I have never seen them before.



This picture can only mean 1 thing…

[color=#BF0000][size=200]It’s a Postwarapalooza[/size][/color] Dug 'em out for a run on Sunday.

There isn’t a thing wrong with your scratch bridge! What you need to remember is the sides should be embedded into the river banks. With that in mind, it appears you are about 1 - 2 inches short on the width… nothing another build couldn’t solve!

I have to build custom width/length bridges to span my river as well, I didn’t like how the prefab grider bridges over hung the embankments, so I went with custom built timber bridges. I just realized the other day that I have to figure out where to put my ‘man fishing on a pier’ which is supposed to be along a water way… back to the benchwork cutting! [:(]

Some train time:

Long line of diesels and a long train coming out of tunnel.

Another train going in with long line of full hopper cars [die cast].

Now. The traveling B&O K-Line die cast hopper being spotted by switcher [Atlas, would you believe B&O] at coal mine for filling.

In place and ready to fill.

BTW: it is safe even though it is a Yankee car. Its not from Ohizo. [(-D]

Great cross-section of pics this weekend folks. Thanks for sharing.

Buckeye - Dr Evil asked for sharks with lazer beams on their heads…

Northwoods…does my upbringing near this venerable train compell me to delve into American Flyer? [:D]


There LW’s there single control 125 watts.

WHAT!!! Obviously you are in the Hooch again. [(-D] (Maple Syrup is running in the North, Hooch is running in the South) Where do you think that car calls home? [:-,]


I’d like to think that you would return to your roots at some point. How can you resist a dalliance with American Flyer? [;)]

Aren’t you the one that has a Flyer water tower like this? The engine is just a tease.

Enjoying the World’s Greatest Hobby

Northwoods Flyer

Percy waiting for a pickup.

Ment a little town west of the Columbus Airport. Don’t think you want me to type your address on the forum.

**Northwoods…**You’ve got that right about the water tower! It is the only piece I have from my father’s AF trains, sold off during the Depression to help put food on the table.


Wrong again, Mr. Mayor. Read the routing info. It came from Delaware, OHIO. That beautiful die-cast hopper is Wes’. Don’t trash it like you trashed my rare “I Love Ohio” boxcar. He knows people that can put the hurt on Roseyville.

Right. I knew where it came from. What I was saying, it did NOT come from you. If it had, it would be in 100 pieces. [(-D] We love destroying rare and valuable train cars from your abode. [:-^]

Finally finished getting some photos uploaded to ShutterFly, must be gettin’ old-n-slo.

Last thursday the museum was very busy early with an extra-special guest:

Lots of munchkins all over the place, but very well behaved, [^] :

Grandma with our munchkin, grampa’s pride & joy:

Thomas, Percy and James were very busy all morning:

Today marks an unusual anniversary for me. 15 years ago, (1994 for the mathematically challenged, :slight_smile: ) I was offered a short term position by John Latschar, superintendent of Steamtown NHS. He told me that for Steamtown’s Grand Opening celebration to take place, in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce and others in the area, an Executive Director would be needed to coordinate all the people, activities, speeches and all. I accepted the offer, and in true Scranton fashion, headed to a local watering hole to celebrate. It is St. Patrick’s Day, after all. Among the many things to come from the July, 1995 celebration, was my own contribution to the model railroading business. Kenny Ganz and I designed a commemorative boxcar, paying tribute to Steamtown’s Lackawanna RR heritage. It also features the original Grand Opening Logo, designed by Maggie Callahan at the Scranton Times newspaper. Only 200 were made: Here it is. Each of us can play a part, big or small, in history. I hope your part is as rewarding as mine. Here are a few more photos in line with today’s Holiday. My MTH Standard Gauge 400 E, along with McGuire’s Pub from Dept. 56. Rule G is not heavily enforced on my railroad today. Enjoy!! :slight_smile: