Sunday Photo Fun 5-15-05

Here are some pics of our Wabash Hudson with passenger cars

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Lets have some fun [:D] [:)] [8D] [:p]

Good lookin’ consist Tom.

Here’s the engine house creww trying to decide where to go for coffee as they wait for Casey to join the group.

Have a good day all.

Well, just a couple pics. of the Ashtabula River in the harbor. One side used to be the Pennsy & the other side was NYC. Uesd to be lots of Hulettes down there to load & unload the boats. Now it’s all NS, & shared CSX, W / NS owning 51%. This is the automobile Bascule bridge, a little south of the coal conveyer bridge,next.It takes the coal from a dumper, across the river to the coal pile, then loaded on boats to Canada. also here is a pic. of one of the clamshell buckets they saved from the hulettes on display at the harbor. This is the other RR Bascule bridge further down the river. Pleasure boats & fishing boats have to wait on the two bridges to go up, to get out on Lake Erie. Thanks, John

Visited the Golden Era Museum of Toys & Autos in Coolidge, Arizona yesterday. Spotted this Lionel 455 Childs Range and Oven. It works! Powered from 110 VAC source. The burners are those old fashioned hot plates with the exposed heating element in groves in a ceramic plate.

Hi Gang,
Good looking photos!!!
Here’s a pic of a new Williams Berkshire ATSF 3879 rounding the curve through a construction zone. I found this new on Ebay for 150.00.

I need to order about 500 lbs. of plaster to complete the hardshell in a few weeks…Tim

Pictures of a couple models that I made:
First up is a pavilion in North Park (Grant Grove to be exact) where I met someone special

The second is a model on my house, on the left, and my sister’s house on the right, complete with accurate landscaping.

The last one shows laundry day at the model of my parents’ house where I grew up

Here’s some tinplate treats for Sunday 5-15
American Flyer Zephyr


Thimk I’ll post some more -

WAYNE looks like the CHIEFS stove he uses at the ROSYVILLE resturant in NC?

Tom, follow the flag, indeed! A very nice consist…

Paul, I love your pictures - they are so crisp- I feel like I can hear the engines rattle by.