Sunday Photo Fun 5/22/16

Have fun


Yesterday, I stopped by the Salvation Army store, and I bought a few DVDs they had for sale. One of them was Rifftrax Shorts which features (as the DVD case itself states) “THE STARS OF MYSTERY SCIENCE THEATER 3000”. It was brand new and still sealed for only $1.99, so it seemed like a good deal.

I decided to watch it as soon as I got home. The shorts featured were mainly public service films. One detailed why seat belts should always be worn in vehicles, while another described the dangers of dry cleaning your own clothes with gasoline at home. Another one, entitled “William’s Doll” told the story of a boy named William who sees a baby girl in a stroller. He goes up to her, and she grabs his finger. As she continues to hold it, he apparently starts feeling a nice connection with her. Afterwards he asks his dad to buy him a doll, but his dad tells him dolls are for girls. A few days later on William’s birthday, he receives a football, a football helmet, and of all things, a “Cannonball” Lionel train set!

Later, the boy, his sister, and one of his friends set up the oval layout. They have fun placing a number of Star Wars figures on the trains. Evidently Princess Leia enjoys riding backwards on the cowcatcher and sitting in the gondola, Lando likes to do headstands on the boiler, while Han Solo hangs on top of the caboose. Greedo isn’t a risk taker, so he prefers to sit in the gondola. Assorted other figures also ride along. See how many you can recognize in these screen shots of the Cannonball set in action:photo William_s Doll Lionel Cannonball train set_zpsuivuafsv.jpg

Although I had Lionel trains it was the first set I bought for my 2 sons.

Getting ready for the museum opening Friday morning.

Gentlemen, start your engines !

[:-^] [(-D]

Its still Sunday isn’t it? [:$]

Enjoying the World’s Greatest Hobby

Northwoods Flyer

Wonderful posts all! Sorry I’m going to miss dougdagrump’s locomotive drag race at the museum.