Sunday Photo Fun 8/16/15

Going with a “traditional” theme to start things off here.

Well, so much for that, gotta figure out how to post pictures…again…

Ok, here we have my Mid-Atlantic Merchandiser, headed by a 2026, C&O auto rack, Swift reefer, Airex boat loader, Gulf 6025 tank car, B&O/TCA Sentinnel Service boxcar, 6032 gon, and Lionel’s animated caboose. W&ARR 1862 is pulling the “Steak & Egg” on the lower level through Meyersdale.

The propeller load is an after-market Lionel offering. It certainly gives the plain-Jane 6032 that “wow” factor. The 36729 is from the 2004 catalog, and works off of track power.

The Minions were out-n-about on Friday.

Must have never seen a RR cossing before, lucky the didn’t get hurt.

Wandering about the intersection.

A stop for lunch.

Checking out a new set of wheels.

But nothing seemed to bother Thomas.

Cool guys, Thanks!

Pictures from a trip that has been on my bucket list for a long time. A day with Thomas and friends at the Illinois Railroad Museum in Union IL. Just down the road from Doug M.
We all had a great time. Will be going back again, Trying to figure out the best way to explain it to someone who has not been there I came up with only three words. SOME BIG IRON!

Fife, those cars you got look great. Like the loads to.

Thanks for the photos this week.