Here are some pics of my friend’s (Charlie’s) layout
Even with the clouds of war gathering over Europe the management of the Blueboard Central Division of American Flyer Lines decided to upgrade their passenger service. Last week they sent their most recent acquisition on a tour of the system. The new passenger cars are real beauties, Here they are as they passed through town.
They were pulled by one of the mighty Hudsons
picked up a boxcab electric and the cars to go with the set for around $25 yesterday…cleaned the engine up and it took off like a rocket…all i need to buy is a pantagrah for the top…but i dont mind
Taking decent photos with a cheap point and shoot camera are frustrating unless it’s daylight. Here’s my 390E that I restored a few years ago.
Thanks Frank for getting me off my rear end and doing some track work courtesy of your fantastic column this month in CTT. Just getting started and I’m liking the results so far, 15 minutes at a time. [:D]
Love that tubular track on that layout of your buddy’s Tom. [8D]