Sunday Show-Off 11-04-07

Well, it’s time the good citizens of Moose Bay had a place to buy trains:

I named it after my own LHS in Chelmsford, Massachusetts. Since I model the 60s, I made the trains-of-choice Lionels. The logos are more easily recognized, anyway. The sign hanging over the street is from Monopoly.

Yay! I have been to that shop before, and was very impressed by the service!

I’ve been working on the scenery in the yard, this is an overhead view:

And here’s a “trackside” view:

Also I posted in WPF about the golf course, but since this is the show-off I’ll post one here too:

Verrrrrry cooooool, Mr. B. Nice work!!


I posted this in my on going strip mall project , but see as it’s Sunday photo fun , here it is:

Nice going guys.

I’ve been a couple weeks with nothing to show, but I’ve been working on this. I had to give up the idea of sliding staging due to trackage rights (and a big pole), but this will work as a fiddle.

Anyway, the track took way longer than I ever expected and I had to add a bunch of benchwork (not to mention clearing a spot in the basement.) I also added lighting.


I have to ask the obvious: Why didn’t you inset the pole into the far table, allowing a clear path for your sliding table?

Don Z.

I added some details this evening to the new SD40…

Plows and sun shades, for starters. Also a side mounted bell.

As always, still a few more things to do, decals, number boards, MU hoses, etc… I also weathered up the trucks a bit, but you can’t see that in these shots.


AWESOME MODELING… Congratulations to one and all !

Bob/Iron Goat

What you can’t see is a storage rack for paintings to the right of the layout. I had planned for it to go around the pole and had built the first section. When I put it in place, my wife changed her mind and decided she wanted more room to pull out her paintings. To be honest, the thought of rebuilding the section already done did not occur to me. But when the layout moved forward passed the pole, to got closer to the stairs into the basement. There would not have been room for us to get by the layout to the washer, work bench etc. with the sliding staging.

Heh, I wonderr if Gerry Browses the forums [:P]

Nice work! Gerry would be proud. You should give him a picture to put up in his store.

Is there anything more to showoff? Dallas kicked Philly’s rear end last night. Thats plenty of showin off right there.

downtown is getting started wall is up

A pink hopper car? Is that what model railroaders see instead of pink elephants? Or is it full of Pepto-Bismol?

Dang MB, you beat me to it. I was wondering what prototype sports those colors.

heres a good view


Are 2 of those buildings part of the Bachmann Spectrum CityScenes Series?

Don Z.

good guess Don but there are 3 bachmann buildings you can just see the corner of the third one
