I just phoned Sunset Models and talked to Scott. I ask when my Selkirk was going to be made as I have now had my order in for 14 months. He said they need orders for fifty more before they will be produced. So if everyone on the forum at this time would just order two each I might get to run one on my new layout before I am pushing up Daisies. Thanks for all your help and I know you guys will come through for me.[:D]
I know how you feel, Brent. I waited nearly 28 months for my BLI NYC L-4a Mohawk.
Now, if you’ll just put in an order for one of their NYC 20th Century “Dreyfus” Hudsons, I’ll be assured of running one by Christmas time this year. [(-D]
Their prices are half or more less expensive than other importers. Other importers deal with production runs of 100 units or less, so I suppose Sunset needs a larger production run to reduce per-unit costs. That doesn’t mean that the other importers don’t drop planned models: more than once were plans cancelled on items I’ve reserved.
$800.00 u.s. that’s $4,100.00 cdn. My whole layout didn’t cost $800, wait, I think I just won the lotto, now I can afford one. The strange thing is that there aren’t enough customers to warrant construction, is that because Canadians can’t afford them and Americans don’t want them? mysteries eh !
…or they don’t want the Sunset version. Who knows. Canadian semi and full streamlining is closer to the British look than the American look, so I would guess there would be lukewarm interest from our friends south of the 49th…I could be wrong.
Anyway, I ordered one when they were first announced, but there’s no way I’ll order two.
Interesting to know that they are still waiting for reservations. I was under the impression they were in the scheduled bin or whatever they call it and we would see them later this year.
I would venture a guess the Z6 NP from Sunset is waiting on reservations also.
The issue is that the T1c has been produced many, many times before and is a dime a dozen. Now, if they offered the T1b, then they might get some orders.
Bottom line, if they want something to sell, dont just offer what has been produced before.
Good point David. I would be muscling my way to the front of the line for that one (or two) I also heard Division Point is coming out with a Selkirk. Sunset better hurry up or there will be a lot of people walking over to DP’s and Sunset may miss the boat.
From first-hand experience I know that Division Point doesn’t notify dealers when it has cancelled planned models. As a result, the dealers keep listing the models as “in the future” and will take additional reservations, all for naught. I wonder if other importers do this.
I know of two that seem to follow this practice in the Vancouver area and not just for DP. I don’t see why they do this as they would not get a cent from me before delivery.
maybe they are doing you a favor. compared to other brass steam locomotives i have the sunset models are junk. i was dumb enough to purchase three different ones, all from local hobby shops and they all turned out to be big disappointments. on two of them, the pilots touch the rail and hold the wheels up above the railhead and one of them only moved about 3 feet before unloading the side rods and valve gear. when i mentioned it to the shop owner who sold it to me he said, “well, what did you expect? it was a sunset.” he kept my money, though. perhaps they have gotten better over the years. they could not have gotten much worse.
I know Tom is waiting for the Z6 and my dealer has told me he cannot find out any good schedule for the Sunset Z6 as recently as last week. I am waiting for one also but it might be some time in the future. The picture they show in the Sunset ad is their nice looking O scale model. If you look at the picture, you can see the large flanges on the wheels for the third rail model.
Sorry about your problems with Sunset. All of my major steam is brass, and I’ve got several Sunset models (an SP AC-6 Cab Forward, an SP 2-8-0, an ATSF 2-8-0) and I couldn’t be happier with them. They all run like Swiss Watches, quiet and smooth and with a little ‘working over’ (as I work over ALL my brass, no matter what the mfgr), are rather powerful haulers.
“What did you expect, it’s a Sunset.” Hm. Does your dealer say that about used PFM, Akane, Key, Balboa or Westside? Or perhaps he’s the kind of guy that just wants you to empty your wallet for brand-spanking new Division Point or PSC, which are excellent models, but as another poster says: “Sticker Shock?”
And yes, I’m awaiting my GN Z-6 4-6-6-4 from Sunset, and yes, I’m patiently awaiting it, because I KNOW that this is not going to be the BIG SELLER that another version of a UP Challenger is going to be, and if it happens, then I’m a happy camper. If it doesn’t happen–oh well. I’ve got $300 down at my dealer as a deposit, and if Sunset doesn’t come through, then guess what–I’ll use the $300 and make a raid on the rest of the shop.
I’d LIKE to have the Z-6, but if it ain’t in the cards, it ain’t in the c
no doubt the models you mentioned are all later production that the ones i had problems with. even so, once i got burned i was through with them for good. these represented a small percentage of the brass i have aquired over the years and were the worst of the lot. as for the lhs owner, the irs padlocked his shop, he filed chapter something or other and when i last saw him he was dealing blackjack at a local casino.