Super Streets: BIG disappointment

I have a super streets oval on my layout. Nothing complicated, just a simple loop. It has NEVER worked well, if at all. After many attempts and examinations I have given up and am about to junk it.

From tis first run it has been erratic, with two different trillys. Sopp, start, and only move when gently tapped. Now it has quit alltogether. Nirther trolly will move even on a different, working loop.

My Question: Have others had similar experiences?

I don’t have it yet, but I would like to in the future. Have you checked out the Lionel Fastrack group on Yahoo? There are many folks there who use Super Streets. Did you buy yours as a set? Did you buy it new? It may just be your set and you may be able to get a refund, or it may be under warranty.

Did your trolleys come with your Super Streets? As I understand it, not all trolleys will run on it. I would do some more research before junking it.


Take a meter and find out where. on the track, you are loosing voltage. It sounds like you have some bad track connections. I don’t have super streets, so I am shooting in the dark.


I have a small layout with Super Streets and it takes at least two sets of wired leads to power my set-up of 3ft. by 4 ft. For me, I have to clean(just cleaned it yesterday) my Super Streets track more often than my 027 track, so it can be a small pain to use at times. However the Super Streets does look nicer than having an 027 track in the middle of a city setting. The other setup with Super Streets that I have on the lower level does give me problems as it is 9 ft. long single track with a few curves in it but not connected as a loop, guess I need power hookups every third or fourth piece of track.

I use Fastrac hookup wires to my Super Streets, hook it to the underside of the track where it has small tabs sticking out for wire hookups. I tried to find small electrical connectors but without success here in southeast Florida, so that’s why I use Fastrac wires, it is easier for me.

I have tried Lionel’s Fastrac and it didn’t impress me at all, as it got dirty too quick on the rails and I needed to buy all sorts of special fitter pieces just for a 3 ft. by 9 ft. layout with quarter curves being used.

Lee F.