No, that’s a shot from one of the official websites addressing the movie. Apparently this beyond Furlow-ish layout combines HO and G. From the available pictures, it all looks rather silly to me and not worth much of a second glance (at least beyond how well the city buildings were done). If it’s blown up in the film, that was probably the most merciful fate it could have hoped for!
What ever happened to just appreciating something on its own creative merits?
This is a SET-PIECE of a layout !!!, and thats what it is, not a permanent layout, so dont bring a preconcieved notion of whats a “correct layout” because your totally wrong to think that way. This was set up for camera shots and special effects- NOT OPERATIONS… I’ll bet it took alot more skill and effort and this had to be engineerd for a rather wild special effects shot, bet it took far more skill to plan out than the usual wood and plaster we use for scenery, this stuff had to move and had actual “stunts” that the trains had to perform. Its alot of fun when seen on screen.
Suggestion: go see the movie, decide for yourself, seeing something in print is far different from seeing it on film…
The dreaded RC comment edited for sake of lack of coffee
I’m a prototypical modeler and that photo is “Impressive”! Relax, why are you flame torpedoing CNJ? He’s expressing how it looks “to him” so be it. Hurling the term “Rivet Counter” is only going to stir up heated feelings again.
Anyway, I’m looking forward to seeing the movie. I’ve always been a DC Comics fan.
Has anyone here noticed that trains and Superman always seem to go together? In the comics over the years “Big Blue” saved various commuter and subway trains from doom. In the old George Reeves Superman series, the opening sequence starts with SP Daylight trains. We got to see “train action” in the first Chris Reeve Superman movie with the New Haven FL9 and the Amtrak “Super Chief”. So it seems appropriate here as well.
As for it being blown up…well? What else can we expect from a twisted whack job like old Luthor? He’d fit right in as a congressman!
Guess its just too hot and muggy here so not much sleep and too little coffee
Got my feathers ruffled…edited the reply to remove the dreaded RC photon torpedo, but it is a rather negative comment from someone who has only seen production pics, and not whats actually on screen, there is a big difference. it really is a wild sceen when it goes Gomez!
I did caviet my initial post and say its the BEST layout I’ve seen in a MOVIE, not the best layout I’ve ever seen.
Most movies that have model train layouts are really cheesy. Addams Family being one of the best on film till now and a Mighty Wind being one of the worst.
Heres another shot that givers a better idea of the scale of this set. This scene is worth the price of admission
Looking at the pics so far I’m sure the reason they mixed scales was to give the layout a forced perspective, you’ll see big G scale trains right in front of the control panel then O farther back (the proto-scale 3-rail track is still a dead givaway), and then HO farthest away.
When seen on film, the eye percieves ALL the trains to be the same scale, so the layout looks FAR bigger than it likely actually is, with a much greater width and depth, due to the forced perspective. neat trick
I saw this thing being built on some tv show on cable a few weeks back and to tell ya the stuff they did was amazing for an on screen layout. AS for People being picky about the hobby and it looks like this to me thats fine its your feeling towards it but dont be so judgemental. Not everyone wants a protoypical layout Us tModelers just want to have fun.
I think that the original 1977 Superman movie was built around larger trains, with a GCT / Penn Station amalgamation as Lex Luthor’s hideout. I did not like the green water in the stairwells, but the moving panels in the track tunnels were a killer.
My wife and I saw the movie last night too, and indeed that is (or was) an impressive layout. I recall seeing an O (maybe G) scale car advertising Marklin in one of the shots. I almost shed a tear at the end of the whole scene. (Hint for O and G scalers–bring Kleenexes when watching the scene). [V]
For those who remember the old old Superman TV shows with George Reeves, I have a question. What SP (I think) passenger train is shown in the opening credits?