Just starting the hobby, am not ready for outdoors, my basement is already finished and full of ohio state memrobilia, so i decided to hang my system overhead and run a spur through wall in to my workshop, i wont have any scenery but i can run a lot of track this way, but its a lot of work. need to bend some 1x3/4 x 48 in pcs of wood any sugestions. This will be poplar or pine but not plywood.
Finished, and have hung 120 feet of track, as soon as i figure out how will post photos. Still need 6 ft of track but wood tie structure is done.
Depending upon the radius of your curves, it might be too dificult to bend 3/4 inch material. You will have better luck with 1/4 inch material. Make plywood jig of the radius you are after. Put a couple inches of HOT water in the bathtub and allow the “boards” to soak for atleast half hour. Until they bend easily without cracking. Securely clamp these boards, three at a time to your jig and allow to dry for 24~48 hours. Remember you will need different diameters for the inside and outside stringers (timbers.) After these bent boards have completely dried into their new shape, glue them up and reclamp back onto the jig. Allow the glue to completely cure. Second suggestion: If you use the 1/4 inch boards for the entire layout, they will be stronger than a single 3/4 inch board. Stagering the joints of each of these laminations will provide a better overall look to the layout and cleaner joints.
Just a suggestion, use the broadest radius curves you can afford. Your trains will perform better, look better and you will not have to bend the timber to such a tight radius. Starter sets usually have two foot radius curves. Some bigger locos will not go around these curves. I use four foot radius as my minimum and almost anything you buy (or build) will negotiate this. In this regard Bigger is Better.