Reporterette you-know-who here. We have a breaking story with very few facts.
Seems a certain chicken went to a snow storm in Houston and they hatched a whole clutch of eggs! Now stay with me.
Chicken seems to know someone around the Spirit Lake Iowa area that has a pretty nifty set up. Referring to my notes: The Iowa Northwestern Railroad Company / Spirit of the Lakes Excursions has a dinner/dessert train on weekends. ( for those of you that like to swim on the web - oh excuse me - editor sez surf.
Anyway - Chicken is sending kitty on goose chase to the train on the weekend of 7/11 for possible engine ride.
Maybe this reporterette is too suspicious and looks for gift horses where there aren’t any. But 7/11? Go on a train? Ride the locomotive? Kitty litter and kibbles provided?
Is it a trap to do away with kitty once and for all? Do Iowans let Nebraskans into their state? Does the engine have room for the driver, the Mookie, the crew and all of Mookie’s luggage necessary for a 2 hour ride?
Is this a right-wing conspiracy?
Opinions, of course, always welcome - we will keep the ones we like and reject the rest as usual.
As viewed from the woods, this may be something to take a closer look at. There seem to be a lot of trees involved, but the forest is still very much in view. The benefactor of said largesse would probably do well to secure said opportunity, lest someone else snatch it away. I suspect there would be a number of others who would be more than happy to take up the invitation.
Iowa didn’t have any problem with a Tree from New York last time I happened out that way, so unless there are some otherwise unreported feuds underway, I suspect they would welcome a neighbor.
To answer your questions,
Yes, Yes, Yes.
Yes, yes,
Horse is neither one of the gift kind, nor Trojan.
A chance to see and do first hand.
Gather more insightful questions.
Have fun.
Line is mudchicken approved.
Me thinks mookie will be a scapegoat.Latest news on said line is they lost some tracks.10 miles if sources tell me correct and it was ones in front of their only shipper.Beware the ides of July.(ps dont walk out of there witha track spike in your pocket )(go anyway and have fun)
umm is it me or has Rixflix taken up using Mookies name?
Dumb down the original statement for me,
you’ve made it sound that chickens are laying eggs that contain Nitro glicerant, and a guy in a trenchcoat is harvesting them all, but the ones he misses trains are running over them and there aren’t enough cats to chase them away…
I doubt i’m right, so rephrase it using less Chickens, cats, and suspicious activity
OK Kevin - scrooch your chair a little closer and you and I will talk.
Mudchicken and Ed B got together in Houston awhile back. Reporterette got wind of it and knew they were up to no good.
MC is sending the driver and Mookie to Northwest Iowa to ride on a dinner/dessert train
Spirit of the Lakes Excursion train at Spirit Lake Iowa. MC supplies them with advice and feathers. Mookie will get to meet the crew and even get a tour of the engine. Mookie has been on one engine in her life and only for a couple of minutes. So this will be a big deal for her. At least that is the rumor.
Reporterette thinks MC is doing this to calm Mookie and keep her out of his feathers, but now Mookie has included “Mr. Blizzard” for his part in this conspiracy and will have to investigate Chicken on Snow receipe.
And there is still the question of it being a “right-wing” conspiracy, in case you missed it the first time.
Darned right wing is conspiring against me.???[:O] To think that for all these years I thought it was just there to go along with left wing, tail feathers, beak and talons! Just goes to show you!
Mookie, just send route_rock to the showers. He got the rail missing part about right, but the reasoning behind it is faulty. John saw it and had a good laugh. Have to get Bergie out there to scatter the wildlife, livestock and warn the general populace that mooks is at the throttle! Dickenson & Osceola counties will never quite be the same after this.
Operation “Throw Mookie On The Train” is now T minus 8 days and counting…Power for the “Chocolate Cake Express” er … um… Spirit of the Lakes Dessert Train could be an Alco C-420 (BCR 632), an EMD SD-18m/SD-10 (INRR/Sou 7314) or a GP-28 (IC 8711)…Stay tuned folks…
Muddy Fe Feathers
(planting asparagus seeds like mad…just in case)[zzz][zzz][zzz]
B T W, a guy at work who use to do the rattlesnake hunts says rattlesnake DOES NOT taste like chicken. Don’t ask me, I don’t know, AND NEVER WILL.
I am not sure and don’t ever plan to find out either. [;)]
Maybe and maybe not. [;)]
But that does remind me, when dad used to run trout lines many times he would catch “river turtles”. Those suckers were mean and would bite if given the chance. We knew an “old timer” who loved turtle soup. So guess where all the turtles went that dad caught? [B)] [:0] [:p]
Don’t ask me what turtle soup taste like either. Another one of those “I dunno” items. [;)] [:D]
Fried rattlesnake is really good if done right. It’s white meat and it tastes like frog legs (which of course, tastes like chicken). Chicken, on the other hand, tastes like chicken.[dinner]