Sweethome Chicago on Tour - May 2011

Last weekend, I exhibited Sweethome Chicago at Middlesborough (UK) Model Railway exhibition. The layout was driven to the show on Friday afternoon and set up in just over 3 hours, which is a bit of a record. Here’s the layout at the show, but still packed up in the van at 6.45pm

By 8.45, the layout was up and running

The layout was exhibited on Saturday and Sunday and operated without any hitches or electrical problems.

Here’s Phil operating the left hand yard on Saturday…

…and my son Steve operating the right hand yard.



You never cease to amaze!!


On Sunday, ‘The Layout Doctor’ arrived to operate the layout ;), and I started making a video blog for the layout.

Part 1 of the blog is here…

and part 2 is here…

Some photos taken on Sunday at the exhibition
