
I have been trying to decide which to use on my layout… I have one Tortose but I really wanted to do a manual pull ( Like Joe Fugate) But I have canged my mind and want to do it with a machine… THe Tortise shaft is a bit small as i need to go through 3/4 in plywood and cork road bed Any ideas… Joseph

If you are interested in the Peco #8’s, don’t hold your breath, theyv’e been coming soon since December 2004 and are still not out!!!

Go to a good hardware store and get some piano wire, a couple of different sizes larger than what comes with the tortoise. Then cut to a length that works and bend according to original plan. I don’t know how much variance will work, but certainly enough to do your application.

You can also use the steel wire found at hobby shops [not just a train shop] used for various things. It comes mostly in one foot lengths. The steel if very stiff yet bendable where you need it to be. With needle nose pliers of course.