T. Gerald Dyar Obituary

Possibly other railfans knew him. He was one of my best friends at MIT, we bycicled together to photograph streetcars, rode the Comet from Boston to Hartford together, and the friendship continiued with my stopping off at Hartford between MIT and my parent’s in NYCity. Surpose when he was assigned to my small technical detachment at Fort Bragg. He was a shareholder in the Providence and Worcester and each year sent me the railroad’s outstanding calender. Wondered why I was not hearing from him regularly, and it took this time to find out from the Branford Electric Railway Association, The Shore Line Trolley Musuem, www.shorelinetrolley.org.

Music, audio, trains and trolleys were our most common interests.

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Hope others reading this Forum knew him and can add comments.

I was Surprised when he was assigned to my small Fort Bragg PsyWar detachment. Again lack of edit button.

My condolences, Dave. He sounds like he was a great friend.