A long while back I wanted to build an N scale layout set in 1859. The only ready to run models were Bachmann. I felt they didn’t represent the period, more like 1870’s.
Today it occurred to me that between 3D printing and T guage that modeling this period accurately was actually possible. The major issue for me was locomotives. Antebellum locomotives tend to have straight boilers without the outsized firebox like the Bachmann. T guage motors are only 6mm in diameter and would easily fit a more scale looking period boiler. Granted the motors are only 3 volts but that doesn’t seem like a big issue. They also make lower rpm motors now. Would they have enough torque to move the short trains of the period. I also found they can be purchased rather inexpensively on sites like Amazon.
This would also leave the tender free for DCC decoders.
It just occurred to me they could be used for any small loco (Shay, Climax, God knows what else). Maybe even HO scale traction motors?
Does this sound reasonable? Has anyone tried anything like this?
Frank Musick