Table Top Tortoise Switch Machines?

I have a staging yard that I would NOT like to mount the switch machines under the benchwork. My usual motus operandi is the use of Tortoise switch motors for remote control.

I think I have seen photos of mounting the Tortoises upside down on the table top.

Can someone provide details, photos or a link to a website?

Thanks in Advance

Our club’s staging tracks have table top mounted Tortoise machines. We just bend a long piece of music wire and attach them with 4 screws after getting them centered. With stiff enough music wire, you do not even need the rocker arm(this allows a flush mounting).

Here is a link to mounting them below and ‘above’ the layout. Scroll down to the above mounting example and photos:


Thanks Jim. That was exactly what I was looking for!

I need to use the table top mounting option with the sub-surface tubes shown in the pictures. I have a ladder yard that would require a couple of the Tortoise to be approximately 18"-24" from the turnout. How far is “too far” for mounting the motor away from the turnout? As long as I have a piano wire that is long enough, do you think this will work? What is the longest distance between Tortoise and turnout that you use?

Sometimes you can do this. Simple. I covered mine with a hill and a removable building.