Take A Train To Work Day

How many of you participate during Take A Train To Work Day? I do every year, but, I bring a train to school. Since I work at a train store, my trains are already at work.

For those who don’t know, Take A Train To Work Day is November 12 this year.

~[8]~ TrainFreak409 ~[8]~

I plan to this year, I’m going to take one of my engines to school with me. I hope to spark a little interest in the subject, but I doubt it.


I’d like to take a train to school, but my friends already think liking trains is “gay”[:(] I’d be laughed out of school. sigh

I’d love to take a train to work, but I’d have to hop a freight.[:D][(-D][:-,]

(OK, I’m sorry- couldn’t resist. I’m ashamed of myself[:slight_smile:][X-)])

I doubt very much that my co-workers would notice. It seems that I have trains on my desk so often, I doubt they will notice much. [:D]
Maybe I need a loop of track, and an engine that smokes profusely!![(-D][:-,][(-D][:-,][(-D][:-,][(-D]

My co-workers wouldn’t notice any difference. There are always trains in my study. If there wasn’t one, they notice!

Yeah take a train to work with me and get it stolen. Nope. Not with the people I’m around.

BTW, Back in high school, There might have been serious reprecusions if I ever brang a train to school. I would’ve gotten more than “thats gay”. Physical contact would’ve most likely ensued.

When I go to sea I’ll take kits. They get noticed and chats persue. But an actual layout, no as this would redefine “Free Rolling” and M.E.S.S.

Not a pretty sight when beam on and in a gale[X-)]

I can’t, 'cause I’m retired! When I was working, I did have some model and prototype photos hanging on the walls in my office. That’s about as far as I went.

Bob Boudreau

I don’t take a train, but I do hang a train calendar and picture on the wall of my office. Everyone at the office knows that I like trains and I’ve discussed them from time to time with those who have shown an interest.

Geeze, we have trains at work every day! Mike and I both have trains on dislpay over our desks and computer work stations, and part of the layout runs over the location of one of our electronics fab & test stations. Our business is in our own home so everything we enjoy is at work with us everday. Downside is you never really get away from work.,

I tried carrying a kit or two with me on the truck, but found that the vibration and shaking of the truck did more damage than it was worth. Also not much time to work on kits as most of the time I’m setting is either loading or unloading or trying to get some sleep. I’m an over the road trucker and it’s not an 8-5 job. I do carrying model train magazines with me though.

I planned to but ran out of time to get a display together. Besdies I’m out of town on the 12th. Maybe next year - or even next week! they don’t know what day it is supposed to be…

When i know the boss isn’t going to be in the next day …i’ll take a kit in and work on it…Chuck

Well, the desks in our lecture theatres would make a great shelf layout, but I think I’d be the only person who’d understand! Sad to say, the student world isn’t really ready for a sudden train infestation - though it would be funny if large numbers of us took part!

I would if I had a job.

I’ll try to take one

On November 12, I’ll be taking the train all right - to Train Fest in Milwaukee!

I’m self employed, so I would only be tempted to stare at my train all day and do no work, but no one else would see it, so NO.


Knew the day was close, but talk about cutting it close. Yes, I planed on taking one this year. Good thing I’m checking the date of it this morning!
TRAINing, good for character building.