Talgo to move Wisconsin train sets to Indiana

I will never, never vote for Mr. Walker as long as I live. A state that could use a better passenger service and hear we are with a ------ up our —. Thanks Walker.

I will never, never vote for Mr. Walker as long as I live. A state that could use a better passenger service and hear we are with a ------ up our —. Thanks Walker.

I will never, never vote for Mr. Walker as long as I live. A state that could use a better passenger service and hear we are with a ------ up our —. Thanks Walker.

Mr. Tallman, gets your facts straight. First of all, WHAT local train building company??? I’m not aware of one in Milwaukee that has operated in decades. Second, Walker’s stated reason for killing the Talgo deal was that he didn’t want to pay for the continuing operating subsidy, the bill you claim he was in favor of.

Mr. Berg: then by your logic Wisconsin should also stop paying for the roads all those cars and buses use, and the airports the planes use.

The statement in this comments section by a John Berg just shows how ill informed so many people about the facts when it comes to transportation.
I am a Wisconsin native now living near Tulsa Ok. and it just amazes me that articles appear in the Tulsa World regularly about the Tulsa Int. Airport granting millions of dollars to fund terminal improvements to the airport and how the airport commission grants a waiver of landing fees and terminal rental costs to new airlines to begin service to the airport.
These grants and waivers are subsidies to the airline industry and are not ever questioned by even the tea party members of which Oklahoma is sort of their Disneyland.
To Mr. Berg a subsidy is a subsidy and no public transport in daily year round non tourist service pays for itself.
If it smells like and oinks like a pig it is a pig.
Many of us would rather ride on a roomy Amtrak pig than be shoehorned into a Southwest Airlines pig.
One way or the other we all help subsidize both.

Good for Walker. If people want to travel from point A to point B they pay for a car and gas, pay for a plane or bus ticket. Why should Wisconsin citizens pay someone else’s travel expenses?

The recent successful pilot trains being run as a special service addition on Michigan routes have proven it’s time for Michigan to increase its frequency of service on the Wolverine corridor. I’d like to see them restore the Lake Cities service to Toledo as fourth frequency for starters. A late morning departure from Chicago eastbound and an early afternoon departure from Detroit westbound are needed to fill a frequency gap in the schedule.

Mr. Streeter Illinois here are the facts I can give you. Super Steel was a local Milwaukee company of long standing that used to build about 100 cars/yr. at it’s peak. Including your Metra cars and work for Nippon Sharyo. It fell on hard times in 2008 including when Chicago didn’t get the Olympics and no extra Metra orders. Super Steel declared bankruptcy almost immediately after the deal with Talgo which killed off a local taxpayer for a foreign company. The foreign company had just over half the manufacturing done in the USA to call it “American” and brings over their expatriate Spanish “supervisors.”

As found in abundant news articles, the Walker administration was for the service contract and was at odds with the legislature until the Joint Finance Committee killed it in March 2012 (the vote with many dems included was 12-4 and Walker did not veto). Walker has continually been active to seek hundred of millions for the Hiawatha route.

Due to lousy TRAINS reporting, we are not getting the facts on how terrible this no-bid, sweetheart service contract was. This is long already so maybe another time but it is well worth the State’s while to fight this out and renegotiate for these trains that will have to be redesigned because they weren’t built right. (Do not comply with Disabilities Act and need 4 more cars to be added to meet the size requirements)

Mr. Streeter Illinois here are the facts I can give you. Super Steel was a local Milwaukee company of long standing that used to build about 100 cars/yr. at it’s peak. Including your Metra cars and work for Nippon Sharyo. It fell on hard times in 2008 including when Chicago didn’t get the Olympics and no extra Metra orders. Super Steel declared bankruptcy almost immediately after the deal with Talgo which killed off a local taxpayer for a foreign company. The foreign company had just over half the manufacturing done in the USA to call it “American” and brings over their expatriate Spanish “supervisors.”

As found in abundant news articles, the Walker administration was for the service contract and was at odds with the legislature until the Joint Finance Committee killed it in March 2012 (the vote with many dems included was 12-4 and Walker did not veto). Walker has continually been active to seek hundred of millions for the Hiawatha route.

Due to lousy TRAINS reporting, we are not getting the facts on how terrible this no-bid, sweetheart service contract was. This is long already so maybe another time but it is well worth the State’s while to fight this out and renegotiate for these trains that will have to be redesigned because they weren’t built right. (Do not comply with Disabilities Act and need 4 more cars to be added to meet the size requirements)