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Talgo train assembly winds down in Wisconsin
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Talgo train assembly winds down in Wisconsin
Republican governor and legislature’s energy policy at work.
While I’m loathe to criticize any US or international passenger trains development, those cab cars on the latest Talgos have got to be the ugliest things on wheels since some of Otto Kuhler’s 1940s monstrosities.
I am going to sit by and watch to see how long before one of those gets punched in a grade crossing collision to see whether the so called safety engineering was bona fide or simply signed off for expediency. I’m betting the latter…
Anyone that votes for the Republicans in November is a vote to kill trains and if you think buses are the answer check the freeways during high traffic periods. So if you can not drive and do not want to fly(ride Amtrak and you will meet many) you are, as they used to say in the Army, SOL.
Anyone that votes for the Republicans in November is a vote to kill trains and if you think buses are the answer check the freeways during high traffic periods. So if you can not drive and do not want to fly(ride Amtrak and you will meet many) you are, as they used to say in the Army, SOL.
Thank you stupid politicians. Short sighted as to the future. According to Governor Scottie, Wisconsin is open for business. If this is an example, God help us!
120 taxpaying workers, or 120 more people unemployed and collecting welfare or unemployment compensation? Brilliant choice, Wisconsin!
So now Wisconsin is going to store the new trainsets servicable for a cost of 1.5 million per year. How is that for smarts Jeffrey! Funny we never hear you belly ache about all the taxpayer money spent on highways.
Hey, give Oregon/Washington a twofer deal. Sell 'em both for one price. We’ll use 'em.
Sorry for the double-post. Twitchy finger I guess.
This is a sad commentary on the current passenger train situation in the U.S. We need manufacturers to produce quality rail vehicles to carry us forward yet this corporation with a viable product & proven track record is left high & dry by the whims of a local government that reversed course & a lack of other suitable markets in spite of the fact that their product really is needed in a number of other states. If this company ultimately closes its doors we have our own shortsightedness to blame for having to ask a foreign company to build future passenger rail vehicles. Ironic, but they jumped through a lot of hoops just to get this far. I still hope someone sees the value of this company continuing & finds a suitable market for their trainsets.
From 125 employees down to 5? Another example of how good that porkulus spending is creating new jobs. It isn’t. Wisconsin has the right idea. Don’t spend money you don’t have and don’t get more money by increasing the tax burden of the private sector workers. The exact opposite will happen. Government gets less money when it taxes more because the workers will realize the harder they work, the more government takes away.
What a waste of material and peoplepower, all for the sake of social engineering (getting people off trains and onto cars and buses), and an attack on working wage jobs.
It is a sad day in Wisconsin when the trains that were to be used in Wisconsin leave. We can thank the very stupid Gov Scottie Walker for this. Even worse is if Romney wanna be president gets in, he believes no more Amtrak. And please fellow railfans do not write in complaining about money spent on Amtrak.
Congratulations to Scott Walker.
Too bad that politics and politicians had to throw a monkey wrench into what might have been a very good idea. In so doing, lots of good , solid jobs are lost, not to mention the reputation of a Midwest state as a place to put a manufacturing plant.
I believe that government service is honorable work. I am tired of listening to those who off-handedly denigrate the efforts of those who work in the public sector. While Mr. Guse may believe that government does nothing well, I believe that government has a long-standing role in the building, maintenance, and operation of public-sector infrastructure including all forms of transportation. That has been true since the founding of our nation. Mr. Guse, how much would you like your pay cut when your job is outsourced to a sub-contractor? Do you think any of those savings will remain in your pocket? The cancellation of those Wisconsin trains was merely one of many bone-headed moves by those determined to oppose everything except their ideas.
A number of good jobs thrown away by baggers.
One step forward, two steps backward.
Sorry, if the money isn’t there, then its time to stop. The citizens of Wisconsin, have made a choice to stop spending monies on boondoggles.
There are better things to do than aimless expenditures for trains that won’t be used.