tall grass tip

hey all, just done some weed scenery work along my track. I picked up some of the decorating brooms from the craft store, cut off the lengths that I wanted and made some really nice weeds along my branch line and secondary sidings. I have seen posts about the broom material, but this is the first time using it, I’m loving it, the look is so realistic. I even dusted some bristles with green and a little yellow paint to give them character. Such an inexpensive and ez way to make tall grasses!

photo of type of broom: http://www.flickr.com/photos/91193326@N06/8438949582/in/photostream/lightbox/


Hi, your broom looks great, but I would really like to see a picture of your tall grass. I am long way from scenery, but looking forward to getting there.



ditto, nice pic of the broom. let’s see what the whisks look like on the layout…