I received an e-newsletter from MTH about possible changes to the membership requirements for the Train Collectors Association, namely, to drop the requirement that an applicant have two TCA sponsors.
Personally, I think this is a good idea. To my knowledge, there are no TCA members within 100 miles of me, which makes it difficult, if not impossible to join. TCA already has a probationary period for new members, so the sponsorship seems redundant.
If they do make this change, I plan on joining.
[:D]I think that would be great,for I have the same problem.
I agree also. I have been trying to find someone who are members to sign my membership form but have had no luck. The other problem is as far as I can tell there is no active group in my area to meet people which is really strange since I live in the Washington DC metro area.
You would think an organization like TCA would be more interested in getting new members and not throw roadblocks up to joining. The whole thing smacks of elitism, which I don’t think they really intend but I could be wrong.
If the rule doesn’t change there’s plenty of folks on the forum who will sign your application. Me being one of them. Which is an offer that makes the rule kind of rediculous, huh?
Anyway, I hope you join. Then you can vote for any new rule proposals.
TCA 02-54465
Go to your local hobby shop, that is what I did after contacting the TCA when I did not know anyone. Been a member since 98