I’m going to my first York show soon! If anyone here will be attending please stop by the CTT booth to say hello. I hope to meet some of you. (We will not be selling at this show, just greeting.)
Oh wow Rene you’re going to have a ball! With all the trains and accessories for sale and view the York show is like Christmas morning gone berserk! If you’re not going to be “chained” to the booth bring a good pair of walking shoes, you’re gonna need 'em!
Wouldn’t you know it, I’m not going to this York show, too many other expenses so far this year but I’m planning on hitting the October show. Maybe our courses will cross there?
I’m not sure who will be at the Fall show. It’s possible Roger will attend instead of me. We haven’t discussed it yet.
Hey that’s fine, I’d enjoy meeting Roger as well. At least one of you would know that “Flintlock76” REALLY exists! [;)]