Tech 4 Dual vs Tech 7 Dual Power Pack

I have a Tech 4 Dual power pack (new in box) and it looks like I will use a simple block system for my 3x7 small switching layout. Is that a sufficient power pack to use, or is there any advantage in getting the more recent Tech 7 Dual power pack, or is it just the same thing repackaged?


I suspect you will be ok with the Tech for a layout that size. To make you feel better, go to the MRC website and compare specs for the units. BTW, if you ever get a big layout and are still running with DC, pick up one or two MRC 120s - they are outstanding!

The Tech 4 280 Dual puts out 8.5 VA per throttle.

The Tech 7 Ampac 780 Dual puts out 10.0 VA per throttle…but it has a better slow speed capability than the Tech 4 and no, it is not a repackaged unit.

My layout is still powered By three MRC CM 20’s which unfortunately are not made anymore…can’t even find them on E-bay anymore. Still work fine, after 20 plus yrs. I only use them to control trains, nothing else…I can run 6 DC engines in consist with one and probably more if I wanted…they are the newer version without the cooling fan which put out 100 VA.

If I were You…I would go with the Tech 7…a little more power, but better control and You can use the accss. terms. without worrying about not enough power, even though Your layout is sort of small, You’ll have the power to expand, should You so choose.

Take Care! [:D]


The Tech 4 will be more then enough and I base that on my past experience using a Tech 2 on a 1’ x 12 foot layout.

My curiosity is up. How do you plan on using those two engines?

he already has the Tech 4… There’s no need to replace it with another unit at this point.

Sorry!..I missed that part and that’s unusual for this ‘‘old hawk’’.

Take Care! [:D]


I will post a diagram image of my layout in the photo gallery, and you will see that my layout (road bed already laid and all track pinned in place to start finework- switch rod locations, etc) will be a pretty busy place. I thought the DC vs DCC thing to death and decided the real cost of converting a large stable of 80s and 90s Athearn, Tyco and Bachmann engines (+25) would be cost prohibitive relative to running a DCC system. I am reevaluating the number of blocks I presently have planned, and will most likely use ground throws, due to the 3’ x 7.5’ size of the layout.

Which brings us to operation. Two engines is about my limit for concurrent operation and I want to enjoy moving things around without getting dizzy.

If the virtually new Tech 4 is sufficient, then I am in good shape.

After all, it’s not a rail empire- just a freight yard and a series of small town facilities[:D]
