Hi all. Well, it was bound to happen…my nephew asked for a “Hogwart’s Express.” I’d rather scratch-build it (lo-detail, obviously) than pay out the up to $450 to Marklin for it. Unfortunately, I can’t find any tech drawings for the loco and tender. I know it’s a BR Hall class 4-6-0. Any help finding these drawings would be hugely appreciated. Thanks.
How about getting the Bachmann or Hornby Hogwarts Hall - chould be cheaper!
If not, ‘Railway Modeller’ in the UK usually produced OO scale drawings of BR locomotives and prints them in their magazine - thye have been doing this for years - I will make an effort to look out the Hall one for you (then scan and send via e-mail), but it may take a couple of weeks (I have been collecting the RM for 20 years!) - plus I have University Exams to complete in the mean time!
Check the British Railway Modellers of North America (BRMNA) web site. They have a list of drawings from the model press. Also, Bachman have just issued a new Hall model.
I believe the Maerklin model is just a Hornby model fitted for use on Maerklin systems. The Hornby model is A Castle Class locomotive, a larger locomotive than the Hall class used in the movie.
I would look at getting the Bachmann model, or possibly buying the latest Bachmann “Hall” model chassis (only) and fitting it to the train set model - there have been unfavourable comments on that train set model’s reliability, but current Bachmann British models receive a good press in the UK.