tecnical advise

I live in the U K my american engines and rollingstock are fitted with english couplings I want to fit american magneticcouplings, two examples of stock are N diesel loco item no 64052, and N box car item no 70089, hope some brainy chap out there can help.


We need more informations to be of help. Who manufactured the items and what model Locomotive is it.

The item numbers don’t relate unless we know what catalogue or manufacturer you’re referencing.

In N scale, Micro Trains makes the best coupler and truck convervions. With just a bit more information, I might be able to give you specific replacement part numbers.

Here is a link tothe Micro Trains conversion chart:


locomotive W/8-wheel drive u38-b santa fe

Maker of both items is Bachmann

hopefully Kadee is sold over there. from what I know N scale trains come with a hook style Rapido coupler that raises up or down to make couplings.

Kadee has couplers and truck mounted replacements, your needs vary per car type and make.

check the kadee site.


In N scale it is Micro Trains, Kaydee split into two. so the site it:


Or the link to the chart I posted earlier.