Teenagers charged with burning down trestle in Oregon w/Video

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Teenagers charged with burning down trestle in Oregon w/Video

This line is owned by Union Pacific and under long term lease to the Portland and Western.

That slap on the hand will surely teach them a lesson. Our railroads are America’s delinquent playground.

I have the perfect solution, let the 5 of them rebuild it by hand, piece by piece…from the ground up, including making the poles from timber that hasn’t been debarked yet.

They should Cut they hands off, like they do over Seas. That will teach them.

The article refers to a charge against an adult for furnishing alcohol, and the fire is reportedly due to careless smoking. It sure sounds like additional charges are possible, and some restitution should be in order, at least for the adult. If the minors have an otherwise clean record some community service might be in order followed by probation until they “come of age.”

I agree with Gerald. But let them build it with creosote soaked timbers with no gloves and start on the hottest day in July through August. Bet they won’t want to be around fire, much less start one again.

Have you ever even been overseas ? Yeh ! the extremist Islamist terrorist probably do it quite frequently.
More young people will end up dependent on the government !

I like Joe Alexander’s idea ! And make sure the Adult has to dig the foundations by hand !