Tehatchapi info

Traveling to Tehachapi for a week 9 12-18.

I would like the Radio frequencies for the line

Any other attractions in the general aera.



Theres about a two hour period between noon and two that tends to be slow. Other than that it can get pretty busy.

WHen is the best time to be there? How many trains goes thru the area?

Usually, early morning light to lunch is good and the afternoon BNSF double stacks out of the Bay area show up about 2 to 3 PM. Mondays are normally slow but Tuesday to Saturdays can handle 10 or twelve trains in the daylight hours. It is slower now and the parade of double stacks is not two or three trains in the afternoon like it was when business was good.

September is a hot month and you need to watch for snakes along the right a way and fields.


Stay out of the tall grass unless you are wearing snake boots. The area is infested with rattlesnakes.

When we were there during 2002, we stopped right at the American Society of Civil Engineers Landmark monument, and there was a baby rattlesnake right there–laying in the entrance to a slope pipe.
