Tender Truck Identification

CNJ 4-6-0 Tender Truck ID

Can anyone identify or provide the type name for the tender trucks used on many CNJ 4-6-0s as illustrated in the photo above? In HO, the Mantua Goats came with a plastic sideframe version of these. I have a few old New One camelbacks I’d like to repair and refurbish but thay all came with a kind of arch bar tender truck. So far, I haven’t been able to determine what the trucks in the photo above are called (as in arch bar, Bettendorf, etc.) so that I can search for HO versions. At one point, I may have heard them referred to as B&O trucks, but I’ve never seen any commercial offering for “B&O” trucks.



Is this any help?


Perhaps Bowser?


Or maybe this?


Cheers, Ed

I think that we’ve been down this apparently dead-end street before…CNJ L6s Tender Trucks


More than once. My link goes back to a March 13, 2019 thread and yours to an August 8, 2019 thread. Deja vu.


Maybe on shapeways somebody might have built them? That the problem today with steam era equipment. So many unique pieces and parts. not made now because of the limited demand. But falls under the 3D print discussion


Thank you guys. That Bowser link is quite helpful, if they’re still available.