
Bldg4.jpg picture by GRAMRR

Hardware.jpg picture by GRAMRR

Cool shots of an old abandond building!

Thanx, Justin -

Was just “re-teaching” myself how to post pictures. If you want to see a bit more, check my post “Backdrops from photos - a fun project” in LAYOUTS and LAYOUT BUILDING forum - Model Railroader. The buildings are electronically manipulated web photos modified to look like unique buildings for my layout backdrop. It’s fun and not hard to do when you get the hang of it.

Kind of funny cauz I Just figured out how to put photo’s on here today too![:D]

forum test…nice building too!![8]

How did you post your pics?

I use an Imaging Hosting site called PhotoBucket.com. It’s a free site where you can upload pics from your computer to your own account. You can then post any of these pics on the Trains forums. There are a number of posts on the forum describing how to do it. Do a search for photo posting instructions.