Testors Dull Coat w/Airbrush

Do any of you train jockeys have experience with the Testors Dull Coat that comes in a bottle and can be used in an air brush? I.E. does it work as well as the spray can dull coat? Do you thin it and if so, with what? Is there some other product that has the same effect that can be sprayed with an air brush? I tried Polly Scale flat finish and was not happy with there results (vs. spray can Dull Coat)

Yes, it works very well. I thin it with Diosol, the thinner for Floquil, and it sprays beautifully. I usually thin it about 50/50 and build the finish up slowly.
Tom Watkins

Spraying this product through an airbrush normally should give results far superior to what you can expect from a spray can. The finish goes on more evenly and seems less sensitive to ambient humidity (which can cause spray can Dullcote to go semi-glossy or hazy). I usually thin the Dullcote with about 50-60% Dio-Sol.

For big models like structures I usually apply Krylon flat finish (available at art and some hardware stores) from a spray can.

Thanks guys, your answers weer a big help.[:)]