The following are the first introductory paragraphs to the story in the New York Times newspaper, Sunday, March 27, 2005.
Texas Official Admits Missteps That Helped Railroads in Suits
Published: March 27, 2005
Several months ago, the Texas official overseeing rail crossings commented in court proceedings that many in the rail industry “would consider me their friend.” That may not be surprising given what the official, Darin Kosmak, has done to help railroads fight lawsuits brought by accident victims.
At the behest of the rail industry, Mr. Kosmak on about 100 occasions over the last 11 years signed sworn statements about warning signs at railroad crossings, according to court testimony. The affidavits were mostly drafted by the rail industry, which then used them in case after case as a critical defense against claims that unsafe crossings had caused deaths and serious injury, court records show.
To read the story click here or paste into address bar.
You may have to sign up to view the page. Or find it on the Sunday edition of national stories under the title above. Maybe only good for Sunday. If not do a search by the author, title, or railroad crossing accidents.
Then there is the whole seven part series on railroad crossing safety dating back to July of 2004.