Page 18 of the 9/2008 edition I happen to have saved on this computer. They’re photos, just not reproduced with any sort of high end typsetting software. Or the source was a rather old low-resolution digital camera or scanner.
Page 18 of the 9/2008 edition I happen to have saved on this computer. They’re photos, just not reproduced with any sort of high end typsetting software. Or the source was a rather old low-resolution digital camera or scanner.
I stand by my original comment. I know what Digitrax says but really, who shares one decoder among 2 or more loco’s? Removing a Digitrax decoder from its harness is a lot easier then removing the plug from a Atlas loco. It’s not the same thing.[zzz]
It’s a lot easier to installt he decoder if you unplug it first - either soldered in connections where you are cutting and stripping the pigtail ont he 9 pin connector, or where the loco already has a 9 pin connector so you don’t need the one that comes with the decoder. TCS started shipping theirs not connected.
And Atlas has 8 pin plugs with a dummy plug in it, those just pull off, no wires involved. At issue is the 9 pin JST connector, many new AThearn models have both a 9 pin and 8 pin connector, but the dummy plug is always on the 9 pin and must be removed regardless of which type of decoder you use. It’s like a mini decoder with just some diodes and resistors for directional lighting. On a very short set of 9 wires to the main board. Grasping the 9 wires to keep from pullign against the soldered connections on the main board is the only real way to get these things off.
Digitrax instructions aren’t the only ones that say this. NCE’s directions for the D13SRJ say the same thing: firmly grasp all 9 wires.
Randy, check your PM’s.
Don’t worry, I’m done with this discussion.
Here is a picture of the plug. Those little holes are for locking tabs and they are there to prevent the plug from being pulled apart. If you gently twist a small flat screwdriver between the plug and the harness on both sides the plug will very easily come out with no stress put on the wires and no stress on the connector. Why risk breaking a wire, stretching a wire or damaging the wires in any way when this is a tried and true method used by more people then not.