Thank You for deleting My Post :(

Not sure why “I must be Nutz” thread was deleted due to complaints but I’m a bit ticked.

It was nice to actually have the oportunity to talk to the manufacturers in an open forum and in a respectful manner regarding our concerns as to what our wants are

But I guess “freedom of speech” and “The right to Know” is not a right shared by all!



It must have been something with Caso…

David B

Freedom of speech only applies in public places. This forum is owned by MR and is the equivalent of having a conversation in their facility. If someone doesn’t appreciate your speech when you are on their property, they can have you thrown out and be perfectly within their rights.

In other words, Kalmbach can decide they don’t like some post, and free speech or censorship has nothing to do with it according to the law. It’s their forum, which makes it their property, so they can delete any post for any reason at any time – and that right would stand up in court.

Sometimes people can misconstrue text-based posts and when confusion is possible, it may be better to just delete the post. If you’re worried about being heard, go stand up a blog out on the internet … you can get free ones, even.

Otherwise, it’s probably best to not get all wrapped around the axle, life goes on … Model Railroading is supposed to be fun, remember! [swg]

I thought maybe TLT’s first post could be taken as an advertisement, but after Caso made his comments, I know why it was yanked.[:-^] I couldn’t blame TLT or Rapido if they requested it be taken down.

There are lots of truly independent forums out there. I won’t post a link here, but if you visit my website, you’ll find links to at least one of them. The forum that is hosted by Atlas is surprisingly open in regarding to discussing its products, as well as those made by other manufacturers. I believe it’s one of the most respected forums out there.


Alright there, Pilgrim, here’s what you do:

Go up to the topic post of this topic;

click on Fergmiester’s forumname or whatever they call it - this will send you to Fergmiester’s profile;

when you get there click on ‘Posts by Fergmiester’ which will send you to a listing of all posts by Fergmiester; lastly

go down three or four entries and click on Re: I must be NUTZ! I’m going to order a CN Northern or whatever. When you get there go clear down to page 3 which will bring you to my response of about ten minutes ago.

Fergmiester, the reason your topic doesn’t show up in the directory is because your topic no longer exists for directory identification. Your post is still in the archives; it just is not on the directory.

RT POTEET-But if you notice, Fergs original post has been deleted from the thread. This sends it to the land of dead and dieing threads.

I think

Post Deletions would carry more weight if the ‘Deleter’ were to himself post his reasons for doing so.

  1. It would only emphasize what positive policies were in place.

  2. Make posters be more responsible by example.

3.Also making the ‘deleter’ more responsible. No ‘shooting in the back’ if you will.

Sometimes Anonimity breeds contempt.

Why don’t they just post what is wrong with the thread in the thead, and then lock it. It would dissapear and we would all know why.


The few times the moderators have done that, often new threads spring up arguing over whether the reasons given for deletion were sufficient (pretty much like this one). Seems like it’s better just to delete them.

We could all move on, but perhaps that’s asking too much.

Now I have the first post…[banghead]

David B

Remember “DO NOT HUMP”? They Xed it too. I got over it.


As Monty Python would probably say, “Intercourse” the post, just enjoy that locomotive when you get it!!

Tom [:P]

DUH!!! WHICH WAY DID HE GO? WHICH WAY DID HE GO? I sure wish I had noticed that!!!

davidmbedard, it is not hidden, it is just no longer chronicled in the directory; I found it through a ‘search’ and immediately noticed that only Fergmiester’s inaugural post had been deleted for reasons which I speculated upon in my I must be NUTZ! entry of earlier this evening. The only thing left are responses and you cannot chronicle responses. Technically without a directory entry it - Fergmeister’s topic - does not exist even though all of the responses - including yours and mine since this topic was posted today - are still intact and can be read and accessed and responded to by doing a search of the I must be NUTZ! topic. That is the only way you are ever going to find it!!!

For reasons unknown to me the “said person” had it deleted due to “reader Complaints”.

If I offended the “said person” then I do apolagize but at least they should have had the common decency to state his distaste or issue with the post I made as I felt I was well within the bounds of the forum’s decorum.


I don’t think they were talking about you Ferg.

Y’know, most of us here will go out of our way to avoid offending anyone. But this one is a puzzle. “Reader complaint” is a pretty broad explanation. Was there some perceived offense to a group of people? Was there an overly-slanderous post about a product or company? Did somebody step over the foul language line? Did somebody insert advertising?

Bergie & Company - help us out on this one, OK? What was the crime here?

EDIT: I found the “hidden” thread, and read through it. One member suggested to another that they try the “Report Abuse” button if they didn’t like what was being said. Maybe that’s what happened. And yes, the post that triggered that response was a bit over the line, but that poster came back and apologized, which I view as a sign of maturity and civilization.

And Rapido and TNT, please continue with us, if only as readers. We appreciate your interest in what we as hobbyists have to say, and your input is valued.

And now, we return to our regularly-scheduled railroading…

If it’s any consolation, I’ve had a few posts and threads deleted on here as well. I don’t worry about it – it’s MR’s forum and they can do what they think is best. Just move on, life’s too short to get all wrapped around the axle about it.