The All Nation Line has been revived

I thought “No way?” when I saw a comment on the MRH forum, but when I searched, I found that they have a website. It seems that they opened at the end of last year. The company was an O-scale manufacturer and dealer that operated in Chicago from 1934 to 1982.
To see their product lineup, click on “SHOP NOW” at the top left of the homepage.

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And I visited the All Nation hobby shop in downtown Chicago during lunch hour at least weekly. The place was always packed with noontime crowds of shoppers.


Wow, that’s exciting. I checked the Website, and the prices are quite reasonable too. Some of the 3D print kits are tempting. I have an old 4-6-0 that I remotored a few years back. I might get something to go with it.


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Thanks for the info!

You may want to post this also in the Classic Toy Trains section of the forum. I know there are several there that would be interested.

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That’s a good point. All Nations was around before HO scale was around.


As a kid in the 1959-1963 period I was big into HO modeling. Being the son of a railroader I had pass privileges on the B&O. I would make nearly a trip a month from Garrett, IN and later Akron, OH to Chicago with a visit to the All Nation Hobby Shop a part of the trip. Would generally ride on the Capitol Limited both ways.


That was a good walk from Grand Central Station to All Nation Hobby. Did you hoof it?


Only thing I could afford - would also visit Union Station, CNW Station, Dearborn, LaSalle Street and occasionally the IC over on the Lake front.

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I am very envious of your visits to Dearborn Station. I never saw it during its heyday.


The stock here is interesting. It’s a wide variety of items, including Oscar and Piker passenger cars, probably made by Walthers, and a kit to convert a Lionel diesel locomotive to 2-rail. There’s also some 3D printed parts, so it’s a mix of old and new.

The next photo shows the exterior of the store as seen in the December 1955 issue of the Japanese magazine TMS.

The next two photos show the exterior and interior of the store as featured in the 6th edition catalogue.

The caption reads: BOB COLSON, General Manager of All-Nation and James H. Wilson, Owner look over some of the recent sides and kits added to great All-Nation Line. Bob is a well known specialist in Railroading.
RICHARD BOSAK is head of our production and Assembly; of our wholesale line. He is the one that sees you get all these fine kits that are practically trouble free, showing the wonderful supervision of assembly.
LLOYD McNUTT, is head of our Ship model and Airplane departments and to him goes the tremendous job of keeping up the huge stock of parts and kits. EACH All-Nation Employees knows ALL PHASES of the hobby business and can take over in any department if necessary. (This photo used on page 44 of the MR’s January 1954 issue, without any explanation for the shop.)


Love those old photos.
